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tan SE YONG <탄새용> a.k.a PIGfectionist


extremely love with HOTPINK, PURPLE & ORANGE

arouse with excitement on 17JUNE!



passionate in STUDIES


[mY QUoTEs']

"LIFE is full of dimensions, it does not always set on a perfect angle" ♥


[DHL MEnToR's pHILoSOphY']

Knowing Is Not Enough,We Must APPLY.

Willing Is Not Enough, We Must DO. ♥

[mY LOveS']


[mY dREaMs']

lead a virtuous life

gain marvellous life experiences

succeed my ambition

accomplish my goals in life

achieve outstanding awards

attain remarkably good results

[mY deSIRes']

MacBook/ Laptop

[mY idOLs']

Kurt Schneider
Sam Tsui
Josh Groban
Alex Goot

cbox here. max width 220px.
ARCHI LIFE so far... :)
♥ Sunday, May 1, 2011 11:41 PM

Now I get a little hint of how's archi life is going to end up, thanks to Mr. Lim, my Personal Tutor of 01/02. It's going to be crazy!

I tried that too, staying up late till 2-3am everyday to rushed our projects/assignments. Damn it's challenging to keep up with. I like it! :)

Back to class, combination of 01 and 02 are just too awesome. We have perfect combo for Personal tutors too, Mr. Chiew and Mr. Lim. They are so GREAT!

Class bonding are getting a kick-start. We were rushing primer one , Fibonacci Cryptex project now, so had to converse with everyone. Most of us attended the night concert by the symphonic band and daiko too, entertaining. Samuel DSLR comes in handy for us to cam-hog! :X

Not forgetting, the class reps and asst. reps. 01 rep is NICK and asst. rep is SAMUEL. 01 rep is ME and asst. rep is WAYNE. love it! :D

Freshman Orrientation WEEK!
♥ Wednesday, April 13, 2011 12:03 AM

WOW. School does start early. I heard that SP 'Freshman Orientation Week' started first among all POLYs.

Luckily, Architecture students, we were exceptions from the word "EARLY". Our starting time was 1.30pm on Mon, 1pm on Tues, Wed - NO SCHOOL, Thurs 8am (Flag Day), Fri - NO SCHOOL. While other courses started their orientation from 8am we had it in the afternoon and ended EARLIER than them. UNBELIEVABLE. Sad, Wed they have school too. haha! :D

Suddenly, realisation dawns upon me that I'm really getting busy with my NEW POLY FRIENDS! AWESOME! ^^

Today, Tuesday.

We had our FO Briefing at W513. It was so short. We were soon guided to our STUDIO, 2 classes shared 1. It's awesome. Cosy and Simple layout. It's said to be our second home, our favourite hideout. Archi bags will be the lightest among all too, cause in our studio we had a computer to ourselves. No laptop is required, softwares are just too expensive.

Today, I'm OUTSTANDING along with Abdullah and Elizabeth. Our computers were too stubborn that they "access denied" us to our accounts due to FAIL TRUST for our 'passwords'. We thought it was our passwords problem, but it wasn't. So in the end, I know a lot of people due to this incident. I'm also shifted from the END to the Upmost FRONT of the studio, just in front of my Personal Tutor (PT), Mr. Lim.

Guess what, Thursday will be our Flag Raising Day. After that, Abdullah agreed to tell Mr. Lim that both of us want to volunteer to be class reps. Can't wait! =)

I'll be back with GOOD NEWS soon!


♥ Tuesday, April 12, 2011 11:24 PM

{Group Picture} in KLP Ice Skate Spectators Rink

I'm holding Abdullah, He looked like an ELDERLY.

Abdullah, Me, Kimberly in the Ice Rink

Isaac and I in Starbucks cafe

FLASHERS in Starbucks!

Last Sunday, went ice skate with Kimberly, Isaac and Abdullah. It was so cool! Somehow among them, I'm the BEST Ice Skater.

Why? Cause I didn't fall at all, almost! Thanks to Isaac and Abdullah grabbing me in time.

So what's the best part? Definitely, Abdullah falling! He fell a total of more than 15 times, I wondered how he did that. AMAZING! I was guiding him throughout. In the end, He learnt Ice Skating. Satisfying.

Poor Isaac, He fell a total of 5 times, but he got the worst injuries. He have cuts on his face and arms. Recover soon! :)

Time sure past sooner than we knew it. Soon 2 hours ended. I learnt how to skate backwards properly and BREAK on ice technique. Some random pro taught me. Thanks!

Had our lunch at Burger King, before proceeding to Starbucks to have a break to chat. Lots of pictures taken too. Isaac sure is a Photo-freak! He kept asking us take pictures of him and all of us together! MEMORIES, I know.

So, that's all! nights! :)

Hello POLY! ^^
♥ Sunday, April 10, 2011 1:40 AM

LIFE seems pretty interesting these days. I have met new friends from Singapore Poly. Now it seems like Secondary School friends doesn't matter much to me. To think about it, since when do I have friends in my cohort. I rarely keep in touch with any. Yupps, I'm a loner.

Seriously, I can't wait till 11 April'11! ORIENTATION. I have a feeling that it will turn out AWESOME. ABE! :) Good News, I'm in the same class as Abdullah. DARCH/FT/1A/02. Buddy Classmate of Wern Ferng. Looking forward to do projects with them when lessons officially started. Timetable's out too.

Back to FLASH-ers! Yes, we are united as ever! Meeting Kimberly, Isaac, Abdullah tomorrow at KLP for ice skate. This is exciting! Follow up on Monday, we will be having our lunch together as a TEAM with all Flashies right before the orientation :)

Damn, this is GREAT! ^^

Fast & Furious with CYD & Feliz
♥ Saturday, April 9, 2011 11:43 PM

Everything's fast paced on Thursday.

Met Feliz and Yun Da at Tampines Sports Hall for Badminton in the morning. We played for 2 hours. Feliz was late as usual, so I matched with CYD. He's good, seriously. 1 hour and he defeated me easily. Energy draining, so I rested while Feliz matched with Yun Da. Then this old lady came and played doubles with us, I teamed with Yun Da. We won despite Feliz cheats. haha. We ended the session with 2-against-1. It was fun. Sweaty from head to toes, we quenched our thirst and headed straight to BNSS.

Things seemed pretty different in BNSS, especially the paint coating. It looked like a Kindergarten now. Childish selection of colours, luckily I'm out of it. Collected our O's Cert from the General Office then headed to canteen, grabbed a bite. "Health Food Corner" Curry Chicken & Sausage Set Meal. Yummy! Loitered around the school to visit our teachers, got scolded by OM. Left.

Next destination, Singapore Poly. Yes, My school! We were there for 2 purposes. First, Pass my Mac adapter to Paul for his presentation. Second, Buy SP shirt. In the end, We dragged Paul to lead us the way to Moberly. His friend, Jason then convinced Yun Da to attend the EEE event at Sentosa. It was a quick visit. Soon we were off to Republic Poly.

It's a long way there...SUPER. Not sure of the way to RP, we followed the COCONUT TREES path, which Feliz called them, Oil Palms. We headed the right way, off to RP. There were NO ENTRANCE GATE. You can simply enter the school in every direction, also it does not have the feel of a school. Feliz called it, Marina Barrage style. I agreed. The place was the opposite of SP. Greenary, Peace and Nature. The Open-concept of the Architecture is so Amazing!

Oh, I forgot to mentioned the purpose to RP. We were there to purchase RP shirt. Sadly, the shop closed when we headed the wrong store. So we were late, lost our chance of buying. So, we ended up exploring Feliz's School. We walked up the long walk-way that feels like the one in Marina Barrage. Surprised by the Green Grass patches that is in the middle walk area of all school buildings. Yun Da kept wanting to roll on the grass and I wanted to keep a BLUE pebble. hehe. But, people's watching. So, we were GOOD. =P

After exploring, We took the Red line then circle-lined back to the Green Line. Back to home. It's a "FIERCE" day today. Nights! :)

EVERYDAY I'm Shuffling! (ABE Day 2)
♥ Saturday, April 2, 2011 8:33 PM


HOT & SEXY Flashers! :D


FLASHERS 'Awesome' Jump Shot! :)

ABE Freshies and Leaders Mass Group Shot

Being guided for the Blind-folded walk to Dance Studio

Morning exercise. We jogged to the Admin Block to have briefing by our lecturers before having our breakfast. After that, the TELE-MATCH began, among all 8 groups.

I love the "BAR SOCCER" It's literally SOAP Bar-LUX. Everyone was wet with soap foam covered by the end of the match, fun and fragrance was guaranteed. But, everything was worth with me scoring a GOAL against the opponent. I made the Flashers PROUD. :)

Next, the "Fruits Eating game". To play the game, first, we have to spin 10 rounds back to back with a partner; then pick up the water bomb bag with our mouth followed by grabbing a fruit to finish. It was making me dizzy, I stumbled,fell against the floor and got a big bruised on my wrist. It bumped like a bone jawing out. :'(
I didn't care to it, I continued the game and with my accuracy, I managed to grabbed the tip of the apple with just one try. XingYoong bite finished it. Awwww...MY APPLE! I wanted to eat that.

When night arrives, We had an Awesome Performance Night-Camp Fire. No FIRE. Every group performance were great. FLASHERS Rocks! I loved our Haka Cheer & Group Cheer :) The skit wasn't bad either, entertaining :D

We also had a wonderful APRIL FOOLS surprised by our seniors. They blind-folded us and led us to the 'Dance Studio' where we had the most unexpected thing that happened. The SHIMS Night & Dance Party, exactly like Clubbing dancing.

EVERYDAY We're Shuffling!

Clubbing isn't my type, but it's a fun experience. I got really high and jumped around with XingYoong and XingXia especially when during the PEAK of songs played. Sam was cute when dancing. He doesn't like clubbing either. So in the end, we got really tired and sat at the sides of the room watching the rest "shuffling" while we had our small chats.

The AFTER PARTY was a missed. What we Flashers did was to have a WEE HOURS Chat at the SPectrum. It's from 12.30 till 2.30am.


3 Cheers to ABE! Hip-Hip-HORAAY!

We Are All AMAZING! ^^

We're the FLASH-ERS! (ABE Day 1)
♥ 8:32 PM

Stairs outside ADMIN Building, playing "Coloured Tapes Game"

Group Picture taken @ Moberly Theatre


** BLINK BLINK* Flashers!

" We are the Flashers, We can't be stopped. "

Back from ABE Freshman Orrientation Camp! (31 March-2 April 2011)

It's totally a GREAT Start to my Freshie year in SP.

ABE Camp 2011 was AWESOME! =)

I was in Group 8. The theme of the camp was "Super Heros" so we named our team after "Flash" and called ourselves "FLASH-ers". We were the most united and bonded group among all. I LOVE the FLASHERS ttm! Group Leader was Sam - Mak Seng Fong (Super DRAMATIC in his actions), and Asst. Leader was Syafiqah (Loud & Awesome). My Flashies were; Isaac, Abdullah, Standley, Justin, XingYoong, Xingxia, Surani, Kimberly and me.

Team bonding games were fresh, I loved it when we played "Ultimate Ninja" and "Chuckie". Followed by the Amazing Race. It's the longest I ever played in any camp. Total of 5 hours. The games were new and exciting. The 'shampoo game' to collect the foam in the bottle was so embarrassing that only Sheryl and Abdullah volunteered themselves. Other games were equally as great. Sam had his bottle of drink shared among us to lessen our weighs carried. The 'Lipstick Kissing game' on the paper sticked onto the wall was FUN, haha. We got teased by the seniors terribly. In the end, Flashers was the first team to complete the race! CHEERS!


The night was eerie, creepy! We had our SP Night Walk throughout the whole school, we were asked to follow the light sticks, to the eeriest part of every school. Seniors entertained us with SP ghost stories before it started. It's a partner walk, one male;one female at a time. TERRIFYING. Luckily I had my partner from Group 1, Justice League accompanying me. He's Wen Feng from Archi too. I was seriously grabbing his arm, holding his hands throughout the walk. We were chatting all the way. He's protective and daring!

Scariest part, the long,narrow dark tunnel that we walked. We couldn't see anything in front,except the light sticks, the senior behind was dragging the metal dustpan running after us and crying...*goose bumps* So we had our run too, and that's where he started to hold my hand.

Funniest part, When we were in the Haunted Room, we had to put the wooden necklace on the corpse lying beside the coffin, we almost walked over it. Then we walked to the Hungry Ghost asking for the peanut to the EXIT. WenFeng was cracking the peanut, when suddenly, the dead corpse suddenly crawled very fast towards us, wanting to grab us. I had my loudest scream, it's damn high pitch. I pulled my partner down suddenly and he too, screamed like a girl. haha. He dropped the peanut. While the corpse was slowly crawling towards us. We quickly feel the floor to pick up the peanut, the floor was so dirty,dark so it takes us very long to find it! The hungry ghost then asked us to just crawl underneath the table, but we insisted on feeding her the peanut before going. Super dirty, cause it's like rubbed on the floor where we and many others crawled. We were Seriously BAD! >.<

Crawled the 'Red Bridge' at Business School, Sam was there making the 'MONKEY' sound, it was hilarious. He crawled behind us. I was scared, so we hasten our speed.

Finally NIGHT WALK ENDED. It's the longest! From 12 midnight till 5.30am. Reporting time tomorrow, 10am. Nights! :)

♥ Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:10 PM

Seriously, I love you guys!! (DHL's VAS-SLB)

BEST team I ever worked with, you guys are AWESOME!


Byes, and thanks for all the well wishes!
I'll be back to visit ya'll! No worries~~


Last lesson from my mentor,

我们对什么事情都得"用一个透明的尺来衡量每一个事,然后才开始行动" 。

Truly Inspired
♥ Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:33 PM

Today, while I was at work, I came across this music video which was years ago, when I first heard it, I was truly inspired, truly touched.

It's a song from "Declan Galbraith",

"Tell Me Why".

He's an AWESOME and TALENTED singer.

Followed up this song, " 钟辰乐" from "China Got Talent" and another older boy sang this song in front of the Chinese. It was of Purity and Inspirational, Reflective too. Kudos to such young and talented singers, great future ahead!

Links below:



WILD&INSANE Jurina's 21st!
♥ Sunday, March 27, 2011 4:24 PM

Back from Jurina's chalet.

one word, AWESOME.

A lot of people came, mostly familar faces. But, it kind of disappointing that most of my sis's friends ain't coming. So, I made friends with Jurina's friends and cousins..and we did lots of CRAZY stuffs together.

Throughout the whole night, we did not had any sip of alcohol, what we had was WATER SPLASHING craziness. We had lots of pranks headed for Jurina to fall into.

First, the RE-LIGHT-A-BLE candles that we replaced with the orginals, she was curious at first, but we convinced her to put all the candles on the cake. She was totally stunned that the candles can't be blew off, all just stood and laughed like mad! wakaka!

Second, Snow spray cans;Water bomb bags and bomb bags. We had Jurina changed to swim-wear then we pulled her to the open area in Aloha Loyang and started trashing her with Soap-snow, bomb bags and water! :D Things got WILD and we all started splashing one another, pails of water. It's chilling but FUN is more important. heez! I got wet from head till toe, got splashed by 4 big pails of water..woohooo!^^

The birthday cake was from "Awfully Chocolate". Branded&Famous bakery cake. Smooth chocolate fillings. It's simply delicious! :P

The others went swimming from 2am till 2.45am in the pool. yea, pool closed, but who cares? haha. I sat there and chat with them and laughed when they did INSANE things, I called it bullying! :X


I ♥ Partying!
♥ Friday, March 25, 2011 5:55 PM

What's about work today I enjoyed? Going to the KSL YARD! ^^


I followed Guan today along with Sam Tung to bring one of the Mexican Engineer to do Inspection on the Bare-unit. It looks like a Container-room (air conditioned) which is usually placed on the "regg-ship" in the middle of the ocean. Purpose: It's a control centre for when oil extraction is in progress... Totally awesome to have the chance to view the inside as the KSL people broke the lock. Calvin, hais! WEAK, cannot break the lock. Okay, it's made of coiled wire, can't blame him.. heez! So I was rummaging the things inside with the Mexican guy, funniest thing happened, his helmet got caught by the metal hook that wrapped around the pallets inside, I almost laugh, but, manners please! Nevertheless, the things inside is so HIGH-CLASS, almost every facilities wrapped with leather, lots of storage lockers too. Interesting experience!

In total, I went to the yard for a total of 7 times today, by tagging along Guan, K.K and Mr. Hann.

Back to Partying, Tomorrow I'm going to Jurina's Birthday Chalet, My sister-boyfriend-sister. It will be at Pasir Ris, Aloha.

Ton-ing and Alcohol! Getting drunked for her 21st birthday! :)


Before that, I'm going to get my MACBOOK PRO 13'inch i7 from Singapore POLY. YES!! :D

Ton-ing @ Doreen's B'party ^^
♥ Friday, March 18, 2011 1:17 AM

Worked earlier in KSL warehouse for SCHLUMBERGER stock-take. Took a half day leave to proceed to Doreen's Lim Birthday party. Before heading to TM to meet MiaoJun & MingHui, I had lunch with Sam Tung; Our Client-Schlumberger customer, ChinGuan(boss) and other DHL colleagues, CS . It was at Blk 16, Bedok area. Sam treated me "fried you tiao" as he promised yesterday. It was delicious! :)

3pm, I'm at 'Tampines 1' with Minghui shopping for clothing at 'Uniqlo' and 'New Look'. I bought 2 shirts from 'New Look'. After that, meet XiaoYuan, Miaojun, Doreen. Her mum will be fetching us to her house.

In total, there are too many to count who's in her house. Perhaps over 30 people. Those ton-ing are the 16 remaining people. I was no. 7 to check-in.

What's the highlight? definitely ALCOHOL. We had a total of 3 big bottles of 'Absolute Volka' and 'Chivas' , and 2 small bottles of 'Volka'. I had a few shots "Pure", It was energising, HIGH! Mixed a lot too with coke & 7-up. Had finger guessing games to drink, Le Xuan got drunk terribly. She was spouting nonsense! Everyone tried our best to 'entertain' her, or should I put it this way, to 'agitate' her. Especially JunYong and NgeeHung. Most of the guys were drunk, blood shot eyes.


We played 'Mass Murderer', 'Heart attack' till all our faces turned RED. It's crazy! :X

Food prepared by Eka were delicious. I loved the potato-pasta salad and the Korean rice cakes. Chicken curry were overcooked though. Everyone had a lot of rounds. It was irresistible, I suppose.

Near to midnight, we cut her birthday cake, took a lot of pictures. Not forgetting wishing Doreen a very HAPPY & ENJOYABLE Sweet 17th. cheers! :)

Wee hours Chariot.

There's still work tomorrow @ DHL. I'm not having much sleep tonight as we will be busy playing, chatting, drinking. So, I hope I won't be too drunk and sleepy when I'm at work. Provided I will be able to get up for work punctually when the sun rises. hehe... :P
