Wednesday, March 30, 2011
1:10 PM
Seriously, I love you guys!! (DHL's VAS-SLB)
BEST team I ever worked with, you guys are AWESOME!
Byes, and thanks for all the well wishes!
I'll be back to visit ya'll! No worries~~
Last lesson from my mentor,
我们对什么事情都得"用一个透明的尺来衡量每一个事,然后才开始行动" 。
Truly Inspired
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
11:33 PM
Today, while I was at work, I came across this music video which was years ago, when I first heard it, I was truly inspired, truly touched.
It's a song from "Declan Galbraith",
"Tell Me Why".
He's an AWESOME and TALENTED singer.
Followed up this song, " 钟辰乐" from "China Got Talent" and another older boy sang this song in front of the Chinese. It was of Purity and Inspirational, Reflective too. Kudos to such young and talented singers, great future ahead!
Links below:
WILD&INSANE Jurina's 21st!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
4:24 PM
Back from Jurina's chalet.
one word, AWESOME.
A lot of people came, mostly familar faces. But, it kind of disappointing that most of my sis's friends ain't coming. So, I made friends with Jurina's friends and cousins..and we did lots of CRAZY stuffs together.
Throughout the whole night, we did not had any sip of alcohol, what we had was WATER SPLASHING craziness. We had lots of pranks headed for Jurina to fall into.
First, the RE-LIGHT-A-BLE candles that we replaced with the orginals, she was curious at first, but we convinced her to put all the candles on the cake. She was totally stunned that the candles can't be blew off, all just stood and laughed like mad! wakaka!
Second, Snow spray cans;Water bomb bags and bomb bags. We had Jurina changed to swim-wear then we pulled her to the open area in Aloha Loyang and started trashing her with Soap-snow, bomb bags and water! :D Things got WILD and we all started splashing one another, pails of water. It's chilling but FUN is more important. heez! I got wet from head till toe, got splashed by 4 big pails of water..woohooo!^^
The birthday cake was from "Awfully Chocolate". Branded&Famous bakery cake. Smooth chocolate fillings. It's simply delicious! :P
The others went swimming from 2am till 2.45am in the pool. yea, pool closed, but who cares? haha. I sat there and chat with them and laughed when they did INSANE things, I called it bullying! :X

I ♥ Partying!
Friday, March 25, 2011
5:55 PM
What's about work today I enjoyed? Going to the KSL YARD! ^^
I followed Guan today along with Sam Tung to bring one of the Mexican Engineer to do Inspection on the Bare-unit. It looks like a Container-room (air conditioned) which is usually placed on the "regg-ship" in the middle of the ocean. Purpose: It's a control centre for when oil extraction is in progress... Totally awesome to have the chance to view the inside as the KSL people broke the lock. Calvin, hais! WEAK, cannot break the lock. Okay, it's made of coiled wire, can't blame him.. heez! So I was rummaging the things inside with the Mexican guy, funniest thing happened, his helmet got caught by the metal hook that wrapped around the pallets inside, I almost laugh, but, manners please! Nevertheless, the things inside is so HIGH-CLASS, almost every facilities wrapped with leather, lots of storage lockers too. Interesting experience!
In total, I went to the yard for a total of 7 times today, by tagging along Guan, K.K and Mr. Hann.
Back to Partying, Tomorrow I'm going to Jurina's Birthday Chalet, My sister-boyfriend-sister. It will be at Pasir Ris, Aloha.
Ton-ing and Alcohol! Getting drunked for her 21st birthday! :)
Before that, I'm going to get my MACBOOK PRO 13'inch i7 from Singapore POLY. YES!! :D
Ton-ing @ Doreen's B'party ^^
Friday, March 18, 2011
1:17 AM

Worked earlier in
KSL warehouse for
SCHLUMBERGER stock-take. Took a half day leave to proceed to Doreen's
Lim Birthday party. Before heading to TM to meet
MiaoJun &
MingHui, I had lunch with Sam
Tung; Our Client-
Schlumberger customer,
ChinGuan(boss) and other
DHL colleagues, CS . It was at
Blk 16,
Bedok area. Sam treated me "fried you
tiao" as he promised yesterday. It was delicious! :)
3pm, I'm at 'Tampines 1' with Minghui shopping for clothing at 'Uniqlo' and 'New Look'. I bought 2 shirts from 'New Look'. After that, meet XiaoYuan, Miaojun, Doreen. Her mum will be fetching us to her house.
In total, there are too many to count who's in her house. Perhaps over 30 people. Those ton-ing are the 16 remaining people. I was no. 7 to check-in.
What's the highlight? definitely ALCOHOL. We had a total of 3 big bottles of 'Absolute Volka' and 'Chivas' , and 2 small bottles of 'Volka'. I had a few shots "Pure", It was energising, HIGH! Mixed a lot too with coke & 7-up. Had finger guessing games to drink, Le Xuan got drunk terribly. She was spouting nonsense! Everyone tried our best to 'entertain' her, or should I put it this way, to 'agitate' her. Especially JunYong and NgeeHung. Most of the guys were drunk, blood shot eyes.
We played 'Mass Murderer', 'Heart attack' till all our faces turned RED. It's crazy! :X
Food prepared by Eka were delicious. I loved the potato-pasta salad and the Korean rice cakes. Chicken curry were overcooked though. Everyone had a lot of rounds. It was irresistible, I suppose.
Near to midnight, we cut her birthday cake, took a lot of pictures. Not forgetting wishing Doreen a very HAPPY & ENJOYABLE Sweet 17th. cheers! :)
Wee hours Chariot.
There's still work tomorrow @ DHL. I'm not having much sleep tonight as we will be busy playing, chatting, drinking. So, I hope I won't be too drunk and sleepy when I'm at work. Provided I will be able to get up for work punctually when the sun rises. hehe... :P
Coaster Ride @ SH COGENT!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
8:38 PM

SH COGENT Chemical Warehouse. 60 Tuas Crescent. Yupps, that's our destination.
Met the other CS, Suzi and Alex at Bedok Mrt platform, 7.30am sharp. However, they were late. Outcome, missed a total of 7 MRT upon their arrival. By the time it was 8am. We had to reached Boon Lay Mrt before 8.30am, now it's impossible. In the end, met Tom at Jurong Point Taxi Stand and headed straight to SH Cogent. We were later than Customer and Leonard. It was embarrassing. Got tongue-lashing from Mr. Ong Chin Guan.
Things got started immediately, delay was not acceptable. Had our 'WHITE' safety helmets on. Went to the warehouse and had a short briefing before we start our chemical stock-take. I'm totally IN LOVE with the fork-lift. It's like a 'roller coaster' ride up in it. It can be drive in any directions;forward, backwards, sideways, diagonally. Damn, it so AWESOME! :)
Crazy and Addicted over it. Made friend with the driver, LOGA. hahas, I kept disturbing his name after I remembered it, had to asked a total of 5 times.
It took a total of 4 hours for our stock-take of the entire warehouse. Total of 18 aisles and 9 tiers high. It's a memorable experience for me. It will be my first and last experience for chemical stock-take and I'm totally enjoying it. ^^
Surprisingly, Leonard treat us for lunch, he "da bao" duck rice for all of us. After lunch, he had a 40min free-time to do anything. Others slept and play games. While, Guan and I read our leadership books. I had his (John C. Maxwell's) and he had mine (Billy Graham's). The others were shocked that we were well-prepared and had the same doings. I was stunned too, It's cool! " Like MENTOR, like DISCIPLE!"
Ended stock-take at 2.30pm. So, the other CS insisted on not going back to Changi South to work. Guan disturbed them by having them to give him 3 good reasons why they should go home, otherwise he would report to their boss. The process was entertaining and SUPER hilarious. Never seen Guan so crazy in disturbing people before, he had a great laugh. The CS were seriously stressed in thinking the reasons. Must be reasons, not excuses. I had super good reasons and proof so Guan had no control over me, so in the end I help him to teased the CS. Actually, my ulterior motive with the CS was to go WINDOW SHOPPING at Jurong Point after our stock-take. Seriously, throughout, I told Guan to "face the wall and reflect" and told the other CS to "not entertain his nonsense!" :DD
As planned, Tom, Suzi, Alex and I went to window shopping at Jurong Point. Total of 3 long hours. I bought Doreen's present, potato chips, chocolates and a some accessories. Love it when we SHOP. wooo hooo! After dinner, we headed home... :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
10:17 PM

STOCK-TAKE the day after...
Monday, March 14, 2011
5:59 PM
Bad News!
Firstly, K.K Chiew suddenly fainted in front of me at KSL Warehouse when he was about to sit. I was traumatised, He's eyes were wide open when he was lying flat on the floor. I stood there, stunned and did not help him up. SO SORRY! I apologised. I should have help you up.
Reported by Guan, he said I will have to go alone to meet the other CS at Jurong Point to go to SH COGENT together, while he himself, ride his own motorcycle to there. What's worst, no one from the KSL Warehouse will be going with me.
So, literally, I had to figure out who's the other CS to go there....awwww...this sucks!
Hopefully, I'll be able to locate them. I don't like the feeling of 'lost'.
Looking forward to GOOD NEWS ahead, maybe I will get to know other colleagues of DHL, make new friends is a must! hehe :)
I want to wear SAFETY OVERALLS, Safety helmet too!
fun fun fun ahead! ^^
K-Night Out!
Friday, March 11, 2011
10:53 AM
End work early today for our K-Night Out!
Who's there? ZhenHao, ZhenHao's Wife, BaoShun, Vivian Lin, JiaMin, Shawnado Deng, Vivian Koh, Rosley and me. Total of 9 people.
We left Kim Soon Lee at 6pm, headed to Mac to eat our dinner before proceeding to Cash Studio.
The moment we step into the K-room, the atmosphere was awkward. Firstly, the non-stop explaining staff which made us kind of pissed off. Secondly, everyone was too shy to start singing. So, ZhenHao started singing "咖啡", his singing was awesome, so is his wife.
Jiamin and I sang a lot of songs together too, we were like the most 'high' among all! hehe.
Shawn and Vivian Koh were busy playing finger guessing games and drinking 2 buckets of beer! cheers man! I didn't had any of it.. :P
End of day, everyone sang min. of one song without the original singer singing except LIM BAO SHUN. Lots of fun included! :DD
Totally enjoyed the times hanging out with the 'Western Geco' Colleagues! ^^
Thursday, March 10, 2011
11:27 AM
Somewhere faraway where my dreams takes me to...
Recently I told my dad, "I'm not going to study in local uni, so be prepared." Immediately, He was crossed after hearing it. He told me, "No way." Truly I know it's a "YES WAY!"
No matter what it takes, I'm going to study out of Singapore for my university days. I'm striving for that as always.
Someone told me that, He wishes to do overseas internship, doesn't he realised that it won't actually be enough to venture out of where he's from? Perhaps, different people have different perspectives.
Which countries would be ideal, definitely I would say "USA & UK". Eventually reality sets in and now I'm actually looking for other cheaper options that will benefit as much. So, I have thoughts on France and S. Korea. Actually I find the Architecture Establishment in S. Korea wasn't that bad, take a look at our 'Marina Barrage'. They actually consult Architects from S. Korea. After all, what matters most is what I learnt out of it.
Talking about something else, about my book hunt, there's HOPE!
I asked Feliz to order the books "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leaderships" and "Failing Forward" by John C. Maxwell from UK for me. So now, I have to clear the books payment then I shall happily wait for it. Hopefully I can get those books before 28 March 2011. Cause One of the title, I will be giving it to my boss, yea, I'm completing his J. C. Maxwell "Classic Foundation" series. So the deliver have to be fast.
Also, I'm still waiting for my 6 pairs of shoes to be delivered from Bei Jing, China. It's really taking a long time...
Labels: BELIEVING in myself that everything will work out as how I charted the course...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
12:10 AM

Today have been a busy day.
Booked 2 hours of my mum's time, but in the end, having her spending the whole day finding a book with me. It was in vain for a certain extent.
In the morning, I went with my mum to one of her renovating house to "spot-check" for mistakes made by her workers. I spotted a few and told them. That's "Authority." They edited immediately, and accepted their blunders.
Next, we went to Chai Chee SATA to have my Medical Check-up. It wasn't as long and troublesome as most of my friends described. It took a total of 1 hr for the entire procedure. Medical Report will be sent next Thurs, 10 March. SP Medical Report have to be handed in on 9 March. But I can't say much to persuade the doctor. So, I hope everything will be fine.
Went to Parkway. Headed to the book stores;'BORDERS', 'Trumpet Praise', 'POPULAR', 'SANs Bookstore'. Sad to say, they don't have a copy for the soft-cover of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"by John C. Maxwell. Mum insisted on having her lunch, so joined her. Ate Sundanese Cuisine. Delicious! :)
Headed to Plaza Singapura. The boss of 'Trumpet Praise' told me he had a last copy of that title in PS outlet. Went there, it was a fateful day. Searched from head till toe for the book, the store person can't find any of it. Depressed, hopes were shattered. However, that does not last. I noticed a book as good as John C. Maxwell's.The book was talking about the "Leadership Secrets"of another remarkable world leader, Billy Graham. I quickly made my purchase. Checked out 'TIMES' too, same news. NONE.
Went to Carefour to check if they sell photo albums. To my surprise they had a books clearance near the entrance. Tried and check out my luck. Though there were no signs of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", I had deals on other of his titles. Soon, I found out one of it was a copy to complete his 'Classic Foundation' series of his LEADERSHIP books. I had them on half-price for "Develop The Leader Within You" and "17 Essential Qualities for a Team Player." Got another copy of one of the books for my DHL 'Shi-fu',hopefully it will last a lifetime.
Okay, back to the photo albums, they don't sell it there. Have to go to 'POPULAR' tomorrow instead. Busy day ahead tomorrow, going to Bugis to continue my book hunt to complete my series, getting 2 more books. The other is "Failing Forward."Yes, John Maxwell again.
Wish me luck! ^^
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
7:14 PM
DHL (VAS-SLB) Schlumberger & Western Geco FAMILY! ^^
My DHL "Shi-Fu" & Boss, Mr. Ong Chin Guan

Western Patriot Orange Life-boat

SCHLUMBERGER's Bare-Unit (for Oil-pump services from sea-bed)

Bare-Unit lifting in action! :) , not forgetting K.K Chiew

Jia Min, Zhen Hao (Western Geco's) & I (Schlumberger's)
Me with my DHL Shirt, must be proud of it! :)

Schlumberger's Renault Truck for Ship, Biggest Truck I ever seen!! :P
I have been working in DHL Global Forwarding (VAS-SLB) for 3 months officially. Ongoing for another month, after that I will be heading a different path from before. Towards Architecture.
What to say? I will MISS THEM! :)
From the first day of work till now, I would say today is my happiest day. When I asked all of them to wear their DHL shirt today for work, all of them from 'WESTERN GECO' and 'SCHLUMBERGER', even Mr. Ong Chin Guan, my boss wore their shirt. I was totally surprised!
K.K Chiew volunteered to be Jiamin and my photographer. He took us to the KSL yard and take pictures for us with the 'bare-units'. This experience is so AWESOME! Love it like mad, but Jiamin was so SHY. hehe.
END OF THE DAY... I took a lot of pictures with them. Even individual pictures with all of them. Now I know how Phet felt on her last day in Singapore, when we were at Changi Airport. It's memorable forever and ever.
Three CHEERS to DHL! :DD