Saturday, February 26, 2011
12:31 AM
I just reached home 30mins ago!
Really had a crazy day today with Feliz, YinYin, YunDa, Tat Chun, Xiao Chun.
12nn-3.30pm: Ice Skate at Kallang Leisure Park
3.30pm-4.30pm: Party Snacks shopping
5pm-7pm: GLEE SPREE
7pm-7.30pm: Dog walk-out
7.30pm-11.30pm: K-craze!
Supposedly we should be meeting at 10.45am at Circle Line, thanks to Feliz, I had to transfer Glee Season 1 & 2 to my thumb-drive before meeting them. I was an hour late.
Start Ice Skating at 12nn. The place was empty. I like the peace. Ice was smoother and all the skaters were professionals, it made us felt like NOOB! Thankfully, at 1.30pm the Raffles Girls'Swimming team came in to create noise. I bet it was their first time Ice Skating. Their voices were everywhere, screams. It makes me feel happier as I never seen a RGS doing things worst then me. I like it! I learnt new skills, skate backwards and single spin in the middle of the rink. It was awesome! I practiced with YunDa and Feliz for 1hr30min to master skating backwards. I was the slowest. YinYin joined us at 2pm when a little girl who's super PRO started doing her Figure Skating routine. It was so natural for her, I think she's only pri 1. Yupp, young. Great future ahead, I enjoyed her splendid performance in the rink.
After the ice skate, we headed to a DONUT store, bought like 30 different flavours donuts. It seems like a feast. YinYin and I bought the rice cakes on the next-door store, it was simply delicious! Never tried anything like it before, coming back for more. Next, we headed to SUBWAY to buy our lunch. Then to Cold Storage for drinks and ice-cream.
Headed straight down to the Tat's house. It was old and classic. 3 Generations down, untouched. What amazed us was the hidden spiral staircase to the rooftop and attic. Such access route should be extinct by now. Feliz's conclusion, "Great place to film horror videos."
We occupied the living room throughout after exploring the house, GLEE SPREE for 2 episodes. Didn't had the high mood, so we sat at the olden times swing for 4 people and started swinging while conversations were raised. Took Tat Chun's 'German Sherpard' for a walk. I saw amazing architecture of houses that gave me great ideas, inspirations.
Went back in and started our K-craze. We were singing like there's no tomorrow. Westlife songs and the oldies, inclusive of Chinese T-Pop. It feels great singing together. The best song was "You Raise Me Up" by Westlife, all of us were singing to the top of our voices. Sharing of mics needed. Great MEMORIES will always be remembered forever...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
9:47 PM
Plans changed when we reached Kallang Leisure Park. The Ice Skate Rink was closed from 5pm for private Ice Hockey event for the Caucasians. So we headed for a movie instead.
We watched, "The Rite" a horror movie. Surprisingly it wasn't scary for a horror film. The storyline was nonsensical, inclusive of the Felizala and YinYin LOUD & crazy conversations throughout, we were laughing like mad. It's a school day, so the cinema only had us and a few loner strangers, we heard nothing from them, they're just too quiet. I remembered the RED-eye mule which YinYin mistaken for a Donkey, and was talking about it non-stop. Movie ended in 2hours so we went for dinner at 'Pastamania.'
Tommorrow will always be better than today, we will be hanging out again to Ice Skate for 4hrs at KLP. After that we will be having GLEE SPREE at Tat's house till the sky darkens. Shall post more about it tomorrow! :)
♥ 1:40 PM
Recently I have been introduced to , "The Wanted". Now, I have to say I'm addicted to their songs, they're so AWESOME! :)
My favourite singer is 'Nathan Skyes'. He's singing rocks to the max! hehe, I love his eyes too, it sparkles. He's young, just seventeen. What's my favourite song? It's 'Heart Vacancy'.
Back to the plan for today, I will be meeting YunDa, Feliz, YinYin and Julia later for Ice Skate at Kallang Leisure Park. Time to meet is 4.15pm, which is quite late. So, I will be heading to Julia's house first to do, I'm not sure of what, I bet it will be fun. Excited to ice skate!!
As for tomorrow, we shall plan later. Hopefully my 2 days leave won't be a waste. Got to enjoy my life no sooner!! :DD
SpringClean VS Messiness !
Sunday, February 20, 2011
8:39 PM
Had a great time sleeping this weekend. Finally I can sleep till 12.30pm! I hadn't had enough sleep recently due to my work, hate it when I have to wake when the sun rises. But now, I'm satisfied and happy that I slept long enough, a recharge!
Yesterday, Kalin came my house to help me clean my 'very packed' book shelf. Finally I dumped my unwanted study notes. I almost caused trouble by accidentally throwing my elder sis O's cert away. It's in a hardcover MOE file, luckily I was curious to take a peek, otherwise my sis will be crazy over it. haha! I like my new shelf now, it's EMPTY! :)
Wonder how many bags of unwanted papers I threw? It's like 5 BIG bags! what about the other stuffs like books? It's all around my study desk and room! Now, I'm in a greater mess!
How about I share a little about my dad? Yesterday, he told me that he wanted to be a " China Citizen" after retirement. In my mind, I'm like NOOOO! My dad wants to change from a Malaysian Citizen to a China Citizen, it will only make my family background more complicating. A mum from Indonesia on the other side is already like WOW. On top of that, a China accent? Ohh, no thanks. Recently, my dad have been so obsessed in China News, Documentaries from the 'Phoenix channel' of China. I don't mind his sharings on awesome knowledge he saw, but he always made it a FORCED TO WATCH. What worst is he's using my HUB TV recording spaces to record his documentaries, he max his recording spaces in his room TV. Now it's a Father-Daughter fight to record TV shows ! ^^
I want to watch 'CCTV 4' channel. Sadly my mum have not purchase the channel. It's a China channel which I watched when I'm in Indonesia. What interest me is the " XIAO PIN" performances showcased by the Chinese. It shows moral values and humor. It's simply HILARIOUS! :D
RICH DAD, POOR DAD Learning Updates
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
5:26 PM
Back to my reading of "RICH DAD, POOR DAD" book recently.
by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Here are some of my sharings:
LESSON 3: Mind Your Own Business
Financial Intelligence is made up of 4 main technical skills:
1. Financial Literacy. The ability to read numbers.
2. Investment strategies. The science of making money.
3. The market. Supply and demand.
(Alexander Graham Bell gave the market what is wanted. So did Bill Gates. A $75 000 house offered for $60 000 the cost $20 000 was also the result of seizing an opportunity created by the market. Somebody was buying and someone was selling.)
4. The Law. The awareness of accounting, corporate, state and national rules and regulations. Always play within the rules.
Categories of REAL ASSETS:
1. Businesses that do not require my presence. I own them, but they are managed or run by other people. If I have to work there, it's not a business. It becomes my job.
2. Stocks.
3. Bonds.
4. Mutual Funds.
5. Income-generating real estate.
6. Notes (IOUs).
7. Royalties from intellectual property such as music, scripts, patents.
8. Anything else that has value, produces income or appreciates and has a ready market.
"Workers work hard enough to not be fired, and owners pay just enough so that workers won't quit."
how true.
LESSON 4: The Power of Corporations
The RICH with Corporations (Own your own corporation wrapped around your assets)
1. Earn
2. Spend
3. Pay Taxes
People who work for Corporations
1. Earn
2. Pay Taxes
3. Spend
An Individual with Tax Advantages will know...
1. Tax Advantages: A corporation can do so many things an individual cannot. Like paying expenses before it pays it taxes. Corporation earns, spend everything it can, and is taxed on anything that is left. It's one of the biggest legal tax loopholes the rich use.
2. Protection from Lawsuits: We live in litigious society. Everyone wants a piece of your action. The rich hide much of their wealth using vehicles such as CORPORATIONS and TRUSTS to protect their assets from creditors. When someone sues a wealthy individual they often met with layers of legal protections, and often find that the wealthy person actually owns nothing. They control everything, but own nothing.
Main idea to remember, "Take from the rich, help the poor" mentality backfired on the very people (Middle Class & Low Class) who voted in it.
LESSON 5: The Rich Invent Money
Don't listen to the standard advice of " Work hard and save money."
1. Work hard, pay high taxes to government income tax, save what is left. Your savings earn 5% in bank, which is also taxed.
2. Take the time to develop your financial intelligence and harness the power of your brain and the asset column. Add to that how much time it takes you, time being one of your greatest asset other than the mind, to save $190 000 if you used option 1?
Which one sounds harder to you?
LESSON 6: Work to Learn- Don't Work for Money
* Be the second type of investor who create investments. This investor usually assembles a deal, by putting pieces of opportunities together, or know people who do. It is where huge wins are, and sometimes huge losses if the tide goes against you.
==> Addition skills needed to be the second type of investor:
1. How to find an opportunity that everyone else has missed, You see with your mind what others miss with their eyes.
2. How to raise money. The average person only goes to the bank. The second type of investor needs to know how to raise capital, and there are many ways that don't require a bank. Learn the skill of raising money that is priceless. For example, buy a house/apartment using "Tying it up", with a written contract between a seller and the buyer. It's what you know more than what you buy. Investing is not buying. It's more a case of knowing.
3. How to organise smart people. Intelligent people are those who work with or hire a person who is more intelligent than they are. When you need advice, make sure you choose your advisor wisely. (A.K.A Synergy of professional specialities). " Know a little about a lot."*
There is a lot to learn, but the rewards can be astronomical.
There is always risk, so learn to manage risk instead of avoiding it.
The better you are at communicating, negotiating and handling your fear of rejection, the easier life is.
Spend time learning SALES and UNDERSTANDING MARKETING for the ability to sell. Even if you earn nothing, your communication skills will improve. And that is priceless.
1. The management of cash flow.
2.The management of systems ( Including yourself and time with family)
3. The management of people.
To be truly rich, we need to be able to GIVE as well as to RECEIVE. The more you give, the more you receive. To know that to receive money, you have to give money. Giving money is the secret to most great wealthy families. Most important law of money: " Give and you shall receive."
WORK to learn. Don't work for money.
LESSON 7: Overcoming Obstacles
"Winning means being unafraid to lose"
Fran Tarkenton~
Texans have a saying "If you're going to go broke, go big. You don't want to admit you went broke over a duplex."
It's the Texans' Attitudes that should be appreciated ♥
For most people, the reason they don't win financially is because "The pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich."
"If you want to learn the attitude of how to handle risk, losing, and failure, go to San Antonio and visit the Alamo."
The Alamo is a great story of brave people who chose to fight, knowing there was no hope of success against overwhelming odds. They chose to die instead of surrendering.
So how do Texans handle failure? They will shout, "Remember the Alamo!"
***"Texans don't bury their failures. They get inspired by them. They take their failures and turn them into rallying cries. Failure inspires Texans to become winners. But that formula is not just the formula for Texans. It is the formula for all winners." ♥♥
Labels: "turn LEMONS into MILLIONS", a goal to be FORESEEN
Monday, February 14, 2011
2:24 PM
12 Feb'2011:
Today's Plan:
Morning: Singpore National Museum
Afternoon: Fort Canning Park
Late Afternoon: Marina Barrage
Met Jiamin, Miinwei at Douby Gourt MRT station at 11am. Surprisingly ZingWei and I was the latest. Got some complains. After calming our minds, we headed to the National Museum. I was surprised that students entry to it is FREE, simply show your student card and "here you go with an entry ticket." When I did that, the Eurasian tourists beside me were like "Why do they get it free?" Actually the logic is simple, you always 'benefit as a Singporean.' Entry ticket was $10.
It's a great architectural design on the exterior, it kind of looked like the old Supreme Court. I love Romanian styled buildings. What's funny is that we smuggled ZingWei into every Gallery in the museum, the process was ridiculous.
Headed to Fort Canning Park. The weather was Sun-glazing! so we did not take any picture and headed straight to lunch at Plaza Singapura. What caught my interest there is the "Battle Box." I'm going to purchase the entry ticket on my next trip there to explore the war craft left-overs. Enriching History!
Next up, Marina Barrage. The shutter bus we took was horrible. The bus driver was listening to music on earplugs. Before I even get hold of the metal bars for grip, he had a sudden brake and there I go, FELL SIDEWAYS,smashed on the floor. What worst is Jiamin screamed, dodged and the bus driver keep applying small brakes continuously when I was wanting to hold onto something. I knocked hardly on a stranger, the feeling was terrible and painful. Luckily ZingWei gave a helping hand and helped me up. Not forgetting, the bus was packed.
Smiles were bright again. We headed to the Museum Gallery at Marina Barrage to let ZingWei know more about the history and purpose of this place. Headed to the roof terrace, bought a Smiley Kite and flew it. The wind was strong. SUPER. ZingWei was a pro, he released the nylon string of the kite to the max, It went high up to the sky on his first few tries. He knew how to control it with ease.He was the first person I saw 'sitting down when flying a kite'. Trick was, Fling your kite up when it's falling, so it goes up instead. :)
Our photography plan didn't turn out smoothly, due to the bad weather, rain. The sky was gloomy throughout at Marina Barrage. Wonder when will our next trip be? July I suppose.
Friday, February 11, 2011
5:15 PM
小时候 你想要什么 我要一台大大蓝色的飞机 带我环游世界 到地球每一个角落 在蓝天白云中穿梭
而长大以后 我想要什么 我要一台小小红色答录机 和你一起录下 喂 我们现在不在家 蓝色变成红色因为你
柴米油盐酱醋茶 一点一滴都是幸福在发芽 月儿弯弯爱的傻 有了你什么都不差
The above sayings is so true, what a perfect lyrics to describe what I want out of my LIFE.
Back to my recent work life.
Today at work is kinda slacky, I regretted not bringing my book to read at my workplace as I'm super bored. Less people are online these few days. I don't have much friends to chat with too...I think I rather go for novels, at least they're much more entertaining than having conversations with others that lead to nowhere.
Tomorrow will be a GREAT day! My cousins and I will be going out for photography shoots at the Singapore National Museum, Fort Canning and Marina Barrage. Wondering why we are visiting the national tourism icons? yupps, one of my cousin is coming down from Malaysia, Tang Zing Wei. He will be lodging at my house tonight, squeeze into my brothers' room I guess? My other cousins JiaMin and Miinwei who are same age as me will be coming along tomorrow to play. Luckily ZingWei borrowed a DSLR from his friend for me as I can't get any from my friends, otherwise tomorrow I will only see but not capture moments. Thanks a lot! :)
In a meantime, let me grab a bite with my seniors of MP. Will be meeting them for dinner at Tampines. Some are lucky enough to collect gifts of INDO from me. Hope they will like what I got for them cause it's hand-picked. ^^
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
9:49 AM

My favourite individual pic

My little adorable Indo cousins ^^

A Family photo with my REAL Grandfather's family side 'Senior' relatives
7 Feb'2011:
FINALLY, it's the last day of my trip in Indonesia.
Seriously I will be missing the life here, it's so AWESOME! Miss my Grandma, Grandfathers, Granduncles, Grandaunts, Uncles, Aunts and little cousins...
Soon, it will be time for DEPARTURE. Hate it when the "byes" comes along.
Awake when the sun rise, followed my grandparents and mum to the market. Now it's not only having breakfast with my relatives. It is more about buying nuts and fruits back, then having breakfast in a rush.
At 10.30am, we headed back to my grandma's house. Repacked our luggages and bathe. 11.30am, we moved all our luggages to the car boot, total of 4 small, 1 big luggages with a box of fresh fruits (promegrate,avocado,pink guavas). Yupps, that's a lot! :)
On top of that, we passed a 15kg luggage to my aunt to ask her to help us take back to Singapore.
Flight was at 1.35pm. We did not missed it. Reached Singapore around 4.30pm.
HELLO HELLO I'm back in my hometown, SINGAPORE. I really missed the GREEN CITY LIFE and the Hainan Chicken Rice =P
♥ 9:49 AM

Seahorse boat with Glorianne, after the swop! :P

Seahorse Boat with Gabriele

A big sampan with Uncle Hanadi's Family and mine

My little bro and I at the edge of the boat :)

Glorianne, Gabriele and I outside the Seafood Restaurant

A shot with my favourite painting at Ancol Art Market
5 FEB'2011:
Today is a very exciting day. Uncle Hanadi will be driving his family and mine to "Ancol". We fetched my REAL grandfather first before proceeding. It was near to our place so it took 30min to reached. The place was pretty much like "Sentosa" in Singapore. Though it may not be as nice and grand as Sentosa, it was a fun-filled place. What you can find in there might not be found in Singapore.
First thing we did there was paddling the sea-creatures mini boat at the shallow seawaters. It was tiring and fun. In the mid-waters, Glorianne and Gabriele swopped seats, as Glory cried and wanted to sit beside me. Yes, I was favoured by them, very very much! They kept sticking to me :) , so in the end Grace sat with Gabie. My little bro was so puzzled when he saw their places were swopped. He sat with my grandpa throughout, sadly because his a BOY. haha.
Next up, We had a bumpy boat ride out to the deep seawaters. Little bro and I sat at the edge of the boat for mum to take pictures for us. We almost fell into the waters, what my bro did was hugged a metal pole of the boat, what a joke! everyone laughed non-stop, he was then teased by my little cousins for the next few hours. Headed to the seafood restaurant to have a SEAFOOD Feast, mum's treating. We went to select the seafood delights that we want to eat, after all the selection, we had crabs, fish, bamboo clams, prawns, etc. 2 tables long of dishes were placed on the tables for us to feast on. What shock us was the bill cost around SGD$80. So cheap! try it in SG see if you will get the bargain =P
After dinner, we joined the other families of my relatives which include, Uncle Hendrik, Uncle Billy's family, Uncle Freddy's family, Aunt Leny, Grandaunts, Granduncle. Total there was 4 '8-seaters cars' in the parking lots. Yes, it's a huge sized outing with FAMILY, first time in my life have I experienced this. It's sensational! ^^
We headed to the "Art Market" in "Ancol." Soon, my eyes were caught in 3 beautifully hand-made keychains. I loved keychains a lot, will get myself some when I'm overseas. Funny thing was the store keeper was out for dinner, most of the stalls does that, I wonder: Aren't they scared people steal their things? obviously there's no security cameras. Soon, the shop owner was back, Aunt Lisa bargained for me. So I got my keychains in a very cheap price. She's really good at bargaining, I bought those at half-price.
Next, we went to the ART GALLERY at the back of the "Art Market." The paintings were so AWESOME! The shades of colours and tones were painted beautifully. What makes the Artists GREAT were that they allowed us to take pictures with their lovely pieces. I had lots of shots taken. How I wished I can paint like them. ENVIOUS!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
2:13 AM

Uncle Hendrik and I

My grandma's dance troupe Lead Dancer and I

Grace and I at "Warung Leko Restaurant"
What's the plan for today?
8am: Go market Muara Karang with Grandma to 'BAI NIAN' with my relatives.
1pm: "Lao Yu Sheng".
1.30pm: Go "Mangga Dua Mall" with Aunt Lisa's family.
6.30pm: Go "MEGA Mall".
Now the elaborations...
Arrived at market around 9.45am, gathered with my mum's side relatives. At first it was only those I know, around 10.30am, the table size expanded and filled up another 8 people. All saying "KIONG HEI, KIONG HEI!" Collected my Ang Baos from Grandaunt and aunt. After that we went to walk around the market place looking for clothings that's nice. Things were really cheap here, quality wasn't bad either. Mum bought 12 clothings there. It's quiet today as everyone was tired after CNY, the emptiness is great for exploring the market, one glance and everything's seen! :)
We headed to the SuperMart. I bought lots of local delights for my DHL colleagues. After all was bought, we went back home. The "Yu Sheng" was prepared and we started saying all those CNY blessings. Aunt Lisa and family arrived shortly. Her husband drove his car to "Mangga Dua Mall". Wondering what's that? It's a WHOLESALES mall. My first impression was "It looks like SIM LIM SQUARE". Instead of electronics all was filled with clothings from different countries, mostly locals and accessories. It's suitable for all ages especially LADIES! Great thing was EVERYTHING was cheap in terms of SGD, sad thing was it closed at 5.30pm. We had to shop fast! I bought several clothings and bracelets. This is a SHOPPING PARADISE, real cheap stuffs which worth the bargains! >.<
Time passes fast today, soon it was DINNER TIME. Since "Mangga Dua" was closed, we headed to "MEGA MAll" which is near our places to eat. Ate Japanese Bento. Continued shopping around the deparment stores and bought clothing for my dad, little bro and me. My cousins bought "Thumb Thumb" ice-cream which were of finger-sized. It was delicious as a dessert.
Afterall, Mum and I spent quite a lot today but we really had a GREAT TIME!Everything worth the low pricing. Tomorrow we're heading to "Ancol" A.K.A "Art Market" to buy some artistic stuffs, most prob it would be seashells. LOVE IT in INDONESIA! ^^
♥ 1:18 AM

Family Photo with my Grandma and Step-Grandfather at Shangri La Hotel

Little Bro and I with a Bajaj (traditional Indo Cab)

Mum, GrandAunt, REAL Grandfather, Little bro and I at a crab restaurant
2nd February 2011:
The plans for today is very hectic.
Morning: Go visit my GreatGrandmother's, GreatGrandfather's, GrandUncles' and GrandAunts' tombs in the temple.
Afternoon: Go to "Kapal Gading Mall" to shop with Uncle Hendrik, mum and bro.
Evening: Go to Shangri La Hotel to have reunion dinner with my grandparents.
Late night: Go to GrandAunt's place for Indo relatives-family gathering.
Let me continue from "Kapal Gading Mall".Usually it would take a drive of 30min to reached the destination. However, due to CNY peak, traffic jams were everywhere. My uncle hated waiting so he just drove on the 'bus lane' which was obviously cleared. So it took about 1hr30min to reached. Luckily the Police Officers were not alert.We went to clothing shops to make some purchases. I got myself 2 t-shirts.
While little bro and uncle went to arcade to play, mum and I went to a girls accessories store to purchase hairbands, comestics bags, etc...Realisation soon strucked us that we were running late for the dinner banquet with my grandparents. We rushed to my uncle's car quickly.
Terrible traffic. It made everything seems like the time have stopped. The cars didn't even moved forward for a long time, at most it would be a small step. What made things worst is that uncle took a wrong route, so we have to make a U-TURN at the front which took us 45min.Throughout the journey, mum and bro was asleep. So I chatted with my uncle to make him feel not left out. It took us 2hr30min to reached the hotel.
DINNER BANQUET was simply delicious. On top of that, my grandma's dance troupe will be performing 2 dances on stage. I took beautiful pictures with my point-and-shoot, pathetic me. During that moment I wished that I'm holding a DSLR, the shutter will be faster with it. The moves was fast, so most of my shots were "BLURRED". Overall the dance was splendid.
10.30pm, the dinner banquet finally ended, we took a group photo together before taking cab to my Grandaunt's place. Grandpa have to sent the dancers home, so the car was not available. TAXI in Indonesia was dangerous, robbery was common. Advise given, only take BLUEBIRD Company cab, they run by meter and is safe.
When we arrived, my little cousins have already started playing with the firecrackers and mini firework sticks. We went in first to greet my relatives.
Fireworks here in Jakarta is so common. Almost every household is shooting up the fireworks without any law stopping them. It's like a massive display of fireworks in all directions. IMPRESSIVE :) Uncle Billy took out a mini firework bulk and lighted it up. It didn't shoot up into the sky, so we had the JOY of watching it to ourselves.
Time flies fast while we are enjoying, will be visiting them again tomorrow. Right now, I got to sleep. Good Nights.
Day By Day
Friday, February 4, 2011
12:37 AM

Me and Mum with the Koala, it's a Biscuit mascot.

Uncle Hendrik, Little bro and I at "Taman Angret Mall" Ice Skate Rink
1st February 2011:
Morning calls were back! This time round to "MARKET" in the morning. Followed grandma to the 'Muara Karang Market' near her place. Met some of my mum's side relatives since all were staying around these area. It's a MUST thing to do everyday. It was like re-living the old Singapore days, when everything was old and classic. I had my favourite drink 'teh botol', yupps I like it served in a glass bottle, really rare in Singapore.
In the late noon, I met my close-uncle at "Taman Angret Mall". We ate our lunch at the food court where all Indo Local delights were served. I ate the Indo seafood fried rice, simply delicious!I like the 'local orange juice' too, it's really sweet unlike Sunkist orange.
After that, we headed to the Ice Skate Rink to ice skate. Talking about the pricing it's really cheap. RP 42,000 for the whole day inclusive of the skate shoes. When it's converted to SGD it's $8. WHOLE DAY! super shiokk! hahas, the ice there were softer unlike the one at Kallang Leisure Park. So my younger bro purposely fall like countless times. I didn't fall at all but I tripped my brother down several times. I like the ice in the rink, it's really smooth and COLD! mist were seen while talking. Imagine that! ^^
It was dinner time when we exit as we ice skate till 6.30pm with my uncle. Aku Hendrik led the way to Grand Aunt's place. Met my REAL grandfather and grand aunt. Had a short chat then we headed to a town to eat their speciality , "CRABS". It's really worth the trip as the food there was delicious and cheap!
When I come to Indonesia I became a MILLIONARE. The currency was so low here.
1 SGD= RP 7000. I changed SGD 200 and till now I still have lots to spend on. Things here are cheap, can't blame me on shopping non-stop. I really like it here, SIMPLE LIFE.
Touch Down
♥ 12:09 AM

This painting is of GRACE & ELEGANCE ^^
These will be my entries for the past few days, yupps it's going to be a little draggy cause I did a lot of stuffs...
31 Jan 2011:
Time to board the plane. I wonder why it's called an "airbus" but it's a pleasant ride though. Flight was at 11.55pm. It was delayed for half an hour. I arrived at Jakarta at 3.30pm. In total there was 2 big luggages and 3 small ones, funny thing was none of those stuffs belongs to me, mine was just a bag pack I carried. When we touched down, my grandma and grandfather was there to fetch us. We headed to my aunt's "shi fu" temple. My mum got some fresh lillies to give to him. He was a very socialable person, we had great chats. His "approachable" attitude reminds me of someone I know :)
After that, we headed to "SKY Restaurant" for our lunch followed by shopping at a nearby mall.
That's the end of DAY 1!