Journey Back HOME
Monday, January 31, 2011
3:12 AM
FINALLY in a few hours time I will be in Jakarta, Indonesia.
This year will be special, I'm celebrating my Chinese New Year with my Mum's relatives. Yupps, first time in my life. So it's like so AWESOME!:)
Can't wait to reach there...
Okay talking about Sunday, 31 Jan. We went to Mr. Beh's House.
Media Productions Gathering. I'm the organiser and in the end 15 people turned up. Who are they? Paul, Shiqi, Qianping, Jiayi, Zhanqing, Shangyi, June, Edner, Jerrold, Edwin,Vince, Imran, Adrian, Hidayah and me. That's a lot to squeeze into the house.
Mr. Beh introduced his whole collection of "TY products" especially the bears. It's well-kept. We all like to view at it cause it's incredible. He have limited collectable which cause a few thousand too.
After that, we started playing his treasured card games which he imported from many countries. I played "Saboteur", "Bandits", "Bang","Monopoly deal"and "Pictonary". All was equally fun. Best was I'm the winner of the "Bandits" game and was awarded gifts,a tote bag and Pandora's leather notebook. Total, I got 65golds. The runner up was ZhanQing and Paul, they tack-team, they had 55golds. ShiQi and QianPing was so furious that they lost to ZQ and Paul by just 2 golds. Anyways it was super FUN :)
We had pizzas for dinner. In the end, we ended off with a blackjack match and the last one to survive the rounds will win a mystery gift. Imran was the winner and he got himself a limited edition crystal ear piece. Mr. Beh's house is an AWESOME hang-out place. We stayed from 2pm till 12 midnight. I got myself a Las Vegas $100 chip as a souvenir from his holiday, I bet those who opt for "A"and landed up with a Australia souvenir are so JEALOUS of those who opt for "V"! >.<
Time really flies and now I got to go...goodnight!

RICH DAD, POOR DAD Reflections
Friday, January 28, 2011
9:37 AM
Below are some of my sharing of the main points that I find it inspirational from the book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad."
If you find it interesting, go read the book! The meaning behind the points I stated are very profound. You might not get it in the first reading, so re-read it again, I'm sure you can get it some day :)
Here it goes...
LESSON 2: Why Teach Financial Literacy?
1) Wealth is a person's ability to survive so many number of days forward...or if I stopped working today, how long could I survive?
~Buckminster Fuller
2) Wealth is the measure of the cash flow from the asset column compared with the expense column.
3) Simple Observations to remember:
The rich buy assets.
The poor only have expenses.
The middle class buy liabilities they think are assets.
4)*** In the end, the one and only rule: You must know the difference between an asset and a liability, and buy assets.
5) It is said that the fear of public speaking is a fear greater than death for most people. According to psychiatrists, the fear of public speaking is caused by the fear of ostracism, the fear of standing out, the fear of criticism, the fear of ridicule, the fear of being an outcast. The fear of being different prevents most people from seeking new ways to solve problems.
6) It was said that the Japanese were aware of three powers: "The power of sword, the jewel, and the mirror."
The sword symbolises the power of weapons.
The jewel symbolises the power of money. There is some degree of truth to the saying, "Remember the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rule."
The mirror symbolises the power of self-knowledge. This self-knowledge, is the most treasured among the three. For it is only when we as humans look into the mirror do we find the truth.
7) In conclusion, Why the rich get richer?
The asset column generates more than enough income to cover expenses, with the balance reinvested into the asset column. The asset column continues to grow and, therefore, the income it produces grows with it.
8) Lesson learnt:
The rich don't work for money, they make money work for them. and avoid the "Rat Race."
Yupps that all I'm sharing today, I'm finishing the book soon. ENJOY!! ^^
Labels: In the end it's what we get out of LIFE that matters...
WAY to go . . ."slacker" !
Thursday, January 27, 2011
6:32 PM
Yes!!! Finally both my boss went back already :)
Now I have my FREEDOM. I have stay for OT, both of them left me with the stuffs undone and they went off. So should I chat on MSN and put the things aside or complete them before "slacking"? Haha, I chose to complete them after dinner, meanwhile I shall SLACK. Geez, I like that!
Okay, today I have a news to announce. I've decided to re-take my English O's. Yea, I got a disappointing 'C6' which I think I have been under-graded. Now I'm going for my second chance. Definitely will do much better than the previous cause I got the "examination" feel already. I will leave myself with no regrets. I really deserve better grades. JIAYOUS! :D
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
9:40 AM
It's 6.30am when I received a long-awaited message from MOE.
Yes, finally the results of the JAE Posting is today. I read the message carefully and saw "S66, ARCHITECTURE"!! :D
YES!!I got what I wanted, though I put it in the 3rd choice. I forward the message to my dad and he replied, "Congrats, that's what papa want you to get". Currently, I'm ECSTATIC! My dad mentioned that he want me to expand his company and business. I'm more into getting explosure by working in foreign companies. But we shall see, maybe one day I will be successful and build an empire of fortune of my own. haha, what a far-sighted dream.
Every design have a story to it not the building,
A building tells a successful design.
(that's a combination between YD and me. Finally we agreed on something common) :)
Now, let me talk about my lunch. My boss suggest to go "LerkThai" to 'lao yu sheng'. Everyone agreed and went. I ate Thai Noodles, Tom Yum soup which I got choke by the spicy-ness. Finally the main thing , the 'yu sheng'. It was fun! hahas.
WORK&PLAY, that's the spirit!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
12:45 PM
It's raining!Currently, I'm stuck at my workplace, meaning "late lunch". It's okay, cause I'm not feeling hungry today, weird stomach.
Back from lunch. BOSS back. More work to do. "Cost Sheets", "Gold-link" and "Dimension updating" is really getting sickening. I want to learn new things which are more interesting, new. Hopefully someone else would take over the "Dimension updating" role, please...
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's JAE Posting Results. Hopefully I can enter either "Accountancy" or "Architecture" of Singapore Poly. Just to think about it, I used to aim for being a straight 'As' student. But, when O's results were out, it's kind of ridiculous. Nevertheless I scored 3 'As', got my name up on the Hall screen, however, there's no sense of achievement. Then, it came to my realisation that the subjects that I have tution scored me "Cs". Isn't it a waste of money to have tuition in the first place when my results won't turn out great. >.<
Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Monday, January 24, 2011
2:39 PM
Recently I have interest in reading books. be it novels or those that teaches life skills. Thanks to my boss recommendation, he borrowed me a book, "rich dad, poor dad". This book is about 'financially literacy' and 'life'.
LESSON 1: The Rich Don't Work for Money
My favourite portion was when the Rich Dad taught them about "LIFE". He said:
Life pushes all of us around.
Some give up. Others fight.
A few learn the lesson and move on. They welcome life pushing them around. To these few people, it means they need and want to learn something. They learn and move on. Most quit, and a few others fight.
In the end, LIFE is the best teacher of all. Most of the time, life does not talk to you. It sort of pushes you around.
If you learn life's lessons, you will do well.though I have not fully understand the meaning yet, but I find it very inspiring.
I shall share more about the book when i finished it. :D