Tuesday, January 27, 2009
1:40 AM
Instructions : 1) Name 10 people .2) Don't read the questions till you name 10 people .3) Tag 5 people to the quiz (but I was asked to tag 10 in order to keep the quiz going)1. Jiamin (BIJOU)2. Phyllis3. Hui Xuan4. Annie5. Adrian6. Vince7. Hamidah8. Jasmine9. Lee Cheng10. Chuen HengQns1) How did you meet No.4? Through Student Council.Qns2) Do you have a crush on anyone up there? Definitly NOT!Qns3) What would you do if you hadn't met no.1? I DON'T KNOW? We're cca-mates. There bound to have chance for us to meet one another.^^Qns4) What would you do if 6 and 2 were going out? IMPOSSIBLE. They are not even a single bit close.Qns5) How did you meet no.8? Student Council again.Qns6) Is no.2 one of your best friends? hmmm..kind of?Qns7) Whose no.9 best friend(s)? Not sure?Qns8) Have you ever dated no.1? RIDICULOUS MAN! She's a FEMALE! and my best friend =xQns9) What do you think of no.6? Busy smugging his Business Law books? hahas. Mostly studying?Qns10) What do you think of no.7? Extremely easy-going and friendly. Sometimes nonsensical when there's me? hahas.Qns11) Who does no.5 like? Erhmmm...someone SECRETIVE=xQns12) Have you ever been no.8's house? Nopes.Qns13) Do you love no.3? NO! She's a FEMALE!=xQns14) Ever been in the same bed as any of the no.? Perhaps? During chalet and camp...don't think wrong. hahas =xQns15) What about no.5? hmmm...perhaps his's one of buddy?Qns16) Do you trust this people? hmm...Not sure? hahas. I'm Weird! ;DLabels: TAGGIES ;D
♥ 1:23 AM

CNY Celebration With Family and Relatives^^
♥ 1:04 AM
Woke up at 10plus today, watched my television till 1plus then helped out with the preparation of celebration stuffs, snacks. Washed up and changed into new clothes to go to my grandfather house to visit my uncle and grandfather. However when we were about to leave, my uncle arrived at my house. So the plan was called off. My cousins were extremely cute one 5 years old and the other 2 years old. They were from my mum side so i have to speak bahasa Indonesian with them. Gosh didn't practise for a long time, rusty. Gotta brush up my speaking skills =xAt around 6plus, some of my relatives from my dad's side came to celebrate as some of them were from Malaysia. hmmm...we played cards and chatted. Best of all i scrutinized my cousin photo album of pictures he took. He's from Photography Club in his school, Malaysia. I felt so lousy when i saw his pictures, they were so professional! I experimented his Digital SLR, damn cool!! He promised to teach me Photography went he come to Singapore next time, he also mentioned that Chinatown is a nice location too. Can't wait till that day...They ate dinner at my house, Steamboat. It's too crowed so we have to split to two or three times so that everyone can eat. Chatted with my uncles and aunts mostly on academic, what else can they mentioned?? Before they leave, we celebrate my youngest brother 10th birthday. We sang birthday song unison and he blew the candles, Swensens Ice Cream Cake. So jealous that he got extra red packets. Last year it was my elder younger brother whose birthday falls on Chinese New Year too...nevermind, mine's on one of the Father's Day. hahas. Took some pictures and most of us ENJOYED!=)Tomorrow there's going to be more visiting. Here and there...and I'm not intending to sleep early. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!^^♥seyong
♥ 12:20 AM
To people from MP,Thanks for organising the MP Reunion Dinner on 23 January'09, Friday at Soul Garden (TM). It was simply GREAT! or should I say AWESOME?! hahas. The food were delicious with wide variety of different delicacies. hmmm...though sitting with the same table with Jared, Adrian, Edwin, Zhanqing and Paul was a little crappy, cause I'm the only female but it was fun. The worse part was the cooking of two or three raw eggs at the grill thing. OMG! that was really messed up, imagine a grilled filled with egg that was hard to turn-over and it's burning, overflowing...I remembered Paul using the big scoop to scrap out the egg to the side then wash the utensil inside the hot-boiling soup. YIKES!=xLuckily we requested the manager to change our grill and soup. Otherwise we will be joining the other table to cook the food. squeeze! After the changed, our grill was shining, others admired and we used it wisely this time. haha. My table took enough food for everyone, just nice. While other tables have to smug the food down their throat, terribly full. At that moment when the rest were still eating, borrowed Jiayi's phone to take pictures in action. Crazed broke out, and everyone were taking pictures with one another eagerly till her phone went flat! Group photos were taken for every table including mine and before we leave, we took some overall formal group photos and some retarded fun shots...After dinner, everyone were extremely full, almost puking. Adrian went home first. Whereas the rest of us went to 'Timezone' to play. We were cheating all the way playing those kiddy games ridiculously...The King of the Cheater was Nicholas. We played the new machine which we need to use the balls to hit the screen stuffs. That was supposedly to be two-player game, however, there were like 10 of us squeezing to hit the screen. Nicholas sat on the side of the machine helping us to scoop extra balls with is sufficient for all of us, towards the last stage, Nicholas leaned all the way to the screen and helped us to use the ball to touch the screen whenever we were unable to hit the thing, ending off with him using the ball to touch all the things in the screen and we WON! We went to play the kiddy bowling next, few of us have to take turns to roll the ball, whereas the rest squeeze to the side to use their hands to hit the rest of the bowls down and there's a STRIKE! Subsequently, the rest stood on the next bowling floor to kick the bowls down like mad! Later on, we played the mini basketball. Jared and Nicholas sat on the side of the machine and use their hands to grab onto the ball and hit it in and out of the basket not letting go of it till it ended with 200plus points. After that, we played a match on the air hockey machine. Everyone crowd around it and cheer for the players. Lastly, some of us went to ride on the kiddy ride near the entrance for a few times and took video of it, ending off with a group shot on the ride. hahas. It was a fun place to burned out our carbohydrates as we laughed land played like mad in the arcade till it closed. Went home straight. ^^♥seyong
Saturday, January 17, 2009
8:01 PM
Hey guys!
Sorry for not managing to update my blog for the past few days...busy organising my CCA Open House Preparations and the actual day plans. Finally it's over, no more rushing of editing even though it's kind of fun and guiding my juniors on preparation stuffs for both hall and mp room. DEADBEAT =x
Although due to long and draggy principal talk which lasted for about 3-4 hours, followed by our CCA Open House for less than a hour, we managed to have lots of fun through the process. Promoted my CCA to some of the secondary ones and their parents, well...i think they are interested in it! Nice^^
Best of all was the 'ZILAN-ings' with my mp members using our mp camera. After the whole event, packed up. We took a few shots of group photos of the members on duty for memories. Next, the 'black shirt crew people,' the sec 3s, sec 4s, sec 5s and alumni. We took lots and lots of pictures together, mostly fun shots. Changed around with different people to take pictures with them, fooling around acting some 'retarded looks' to snap it down! however, it was FUN of course! That lasted for 45min- 1hour plus. We must be super HYPER that moment ;D
Can't wait till Monday to transfer all the pictures we took together, Secondary One Orientation pictures and our mp 'out of CCA, bonding sessions snaps' into my thumb-drive and enjoyed it at home...Today Physics tuition after the CCA Open House was tiring, i almost fell asleep while the teacher was talking and without realising I'm actually asking some weird questions which i don't even know why?!oh my gosh...Luckily Adrian passed me sweets to eat to keep me awake in the middle of the lessons and i energized^^
After the session, i saw a lot of 4Es people, friends of shiqi. Chatted with them for quite some time. Now my tuition centre are mostly from Bedok North Secondary, all thanks to shiqi. Went down with them to buy a cup of bubble tea to drink, went back home.
Monday, January 5, 2009
11:24 PM
EXHAUSTED! back from Secondary One Orrientation Camp today...Facilitated 1D2 with Amirul, Leader and i'm the assistant. I met a lot of new juniors and all of them are interesting. The weirdest name i knew today was 'Dong Do,' he is a guy from Vietnam. hmmm...let me see, if im not wrong, there are plenty of them who are foreigners from this class. COOL right?! hahas. Starting, during the ice-breaking games, my class was so dEAd!=x After Amirul and Sheeren reprimented them, all of them became HypER and much more cooperative! yeas. Easily to work well with them, BEST GROUP man! ;D
Saturday, January 3, 2009
11:41 PM
Slept at five last night and woke up at one plus today. Washed up, prepared my stuffs then rushed out of the house as usual for my Physics tuition. Late for fifteen minutes! Now there's only two students for Physics Lesson, Adrian and me. I heard from him that the other two quited. Kind of good, cause now i can just ask questions which i don't understand directly to the teacher. Learnt chapter two today, continue from the last lesson but focused on answering the questions. STUCK! for the whole session, simply can't understand the questions meaning so the teacher have to explain most of it to me. However, at the end of the lesson, i managed to solve one full question by myself and got it correct! Learnt something new today, especially the topic i hate most, i guess?After my Physics session, i went to the reception area to double check my make-up sessions timing and my tuition payment. Followed by taking bus 197 to meet my friends at Bedok Interchange. While waiting for them, i walked around there and saw two of my friends, fatin and zhan qing. so coincidence! haha. Finally they arrived, went to Long John Silver to eat our lunch/dinner. Sat there and chatted for quite a moment then we proceed to take bus 14 to meet veron. She board the same bus and brought us to a new ice-cream shop, 'Ice-cream Chef' to eat ice-cream! I didn't eat cause there's no flavour to my liking same goes to ben and gerald. We waited for the rest to finished their ice-cream then we go to veron's house nearby playground to play. Sat with my kor on the way there in the bus. The most irritating part about him was when he sang the edited 'lonely' song when i'm sitting on the bench quite a distance away, looking at them playing. Joined them awhile later, sitting on the three-sided aeroplane with miao jun and veron while gerald sat in the middle. We chatted, sang songs for several hours. While doreen, ben and ian have some private stuffs to talk about. Walked to the bus stop, they took bus 45 to someplace whereas miao jun and i walked a few bus stops down to take bus 2. Talked with her a lot of stuffs on the way back...went home, edited the minutes for the meeting, email them and got to go to sleep! byes ;D♥seyongLabels: things wasn't the same as before...CHANGE.
Friday, January 2, 2009
8:42 PM
Finally today is the FIRST DAY of school yet the last day of the week too! Many of us were pondering why do they still need us to come to school for only one day and back to our sweet weekends? Nevertheless, no regrets. Missed my friends so much! gosh, especially from 2C! saw all the guys wearing long pants now. Some look nice on them whereas some looks weird, kind of funny =xReport late for councilor duty today for like two to three minutes! Morning meeting ended so early, especially today. Arrived at the school gate, surprised seeing Hamidah, Annie and the rest started doing their gate duty, extremely early. Asked them, "Have the meeting ended? Am i late again?!" They replied, " Ehhs SEYONG you're late, meeting ended already, orhh hor!!" so emphatic! Those people who are entering the gate were like staring at me. Can't do anything much so i just smile, thanked them and proceed to the concourse. Duty today was quite slacking for my group, no relief slips and no duty is assigned to us. Sat around at the concourse and chat with the rest of the councilors. Helped around when they need help, guided some new foreign students from sec twos to their new classes together with Taichin. Walked back to our new classroom in a big group cause there's eleven councilors in my class, great!;DMiss Faizah is my form teacher and Miss Lenny is my co-form teacher. Sounds exciting working together with them as well as the class. Miss Faizah explain all the school stuffs for several hours whereas Miss Lenny stood there and agreed to what she said. Class progress quite a lot today, so fortunate to have Hamidah as my class partner. haha. There's like seven councilors who have to do frequent morning duties everyday in my row, empty seats early in the morning will be a usual sight, i guess. Worst of all is the sudden photo taking today, seriously i looked so retarded with my new hairstyle! Still need to pin up fringe to take the individual photo. Almost every girl was like, "why need to pin up fringe? looks so stupid and ugly!" I agreed totally, no choice, Mrs Yeow caught me too. Ended the school day with briefing at school hall for Secondary Three Level Camp and CCA Registration format. The briefing is very boring, chatted all the way with friends beside me =pSchool ended, went to Kerry's house to borrow PE shirt and shorts to change for the Mass Dance Practice later in the afternoon. Seeing them eating their lunch nearby Annie's and Kerry's house, too full to eat so i drink beverage. Mass Dance practise was very very fun today. Everyone got so HYPER! we danced like mad to prepare ourselves for the Secondary One Orientation Camp. My partner was Wenfeng, Ester and Annie. Discussed what we preparing for the concert night a little then went to MAC to eat dinner with them. Chatted for like so long...on the way to the bus stop, i disturbed a 'couple.' They got so irritated until i can heard what they were shouting across the street. hahas. CHILL!! Took the same bus as Amalia,chatted throughout the bus journey, went home, exhausted then go to take a short nap. ♥seyongLabels: 0808'08 my dear disciple ^^
Thursday, January 1, 2009
10:31 PM
hey peeps! SCHOOL's starting tomorrow, finally...are you guys mentally prepared for it? Well...i guess i am. Hoping that school will faster re-open. Missed all the people from 2C so much. Even though we may not be in the same class anymore. No worries cause we will still be as unite as before within our hearts. Right? Did nothing much today, tried to put on my new contact lens today for six hours. Almost complete all my holiday homeworks. Packed my study desk and arranged my books. All ready for tomorrow school! There's still council duty tomorrow so i got to sleep early today ya'll! byes ;D ♥seyong
♥ 1:30 AM
Rejected all my friends to go countdown with them today. Surprised when a lot of different group people asked me to join them. Miao called me today around 4plus and asked me where am i? thinking that i will be joining them for her anniversary with _____, and countdown with them at Suntec. Didn't join them in the end.
Today was a very busy day for me i suppose. I got wake up call from Patjon informing me that he's sending me the holiday homeworks and some councilor stuffs (to print). Luckily he sent me the holiday homeworks so i can complete cause i LOST all my homeworks. Misplaced them. I went for a new haircut, it looks very weird! Next i went to Katong Shopping Centre to buy a new school skirt, waiting for it to be authored...Later on, i took bus 135 to Parkway Shopping Centre. Walked past 'Borders,' shocked to see that they only left less than half of the 'Twilight,' series books they had previously the other day. Hurry to get one copy if you want to! =x
Bought some hair accessories at 'Mini Bits' and 'Chameleon,' for my school days. Followed by buying a new pair of school shoe then went to GIANT to buy some stuffs with my maid. Back to my home after shopping for school's stuffs.
Ate the sushi which i bought just now with my siblings. yummy!;D
Printed all my holiday homeworks and the councilor stuffs, edited them. Hopefully it will be much more pleasant and convenient for our morning duties. Watched television programmes in between while doing those stuffs with my sister's friends. Skipped dinner today, no appetite to eat. Best of all, i learnt how to put on my new clear contacts. My sister taught me so, i took a very very long time to learn how to and even delayed her precious time going out for COUNTDOWN at Sentosa with her friends.
new year ahead with new BIG plans...
Labels: my FUTURE is determined by my actions, so are yours.