Tuesday, December 30, 2008
8:55 PM
Didn't manage to go out today cause my mum and maid went to 'Popular' to buy the rest of my siblings and my books. So i have to stayed at home the whole day to take care of my younger brother. How i wish that he is a few years older so he can stay at home by himself. That's what my another brother and my elder sister said too, extremely troublesome! Turned down to watch 'Twilight' with my cca friends, hopefully they enjoyed the movie.
My younger brother used the laptop the whole day whereas i watched television programmes followed by reading my new storybook which i bought yesterday. 'Wuthering Heights,' by Emily Bronte. I read the first two chapters and it was electrifying!^^
Discussed with my parents upon changing one of my open-shelf to a glass bookshelf so i can keep all my newly books collection in the future. However, currently they are occupied with their works. Therefore i have to wait until the end of Chinese New Year then they will change it for me. yeas...finally i will have my very own mini book library! Can't wait till that day arrive :)
Monday, December 29, 2008
11:01 PM
Enjoyed my entire day today with my good friends, Patjon, Amalia and Jasmine today. We met one another at Bedok Interchange platform. When i arrived, Patjon started to question me whether i brought extra clothing because they are planning to play with water at the outdoor sky park in Vivo. I was surprised upon hearing that, he didn't inform me to bring any extra clothing beforehand. We took MRT to Harbourfront. The worst and luckiest thing happened on the same timing. When Jasmine and i was about to enter the MRT, i suddenly close the door very quickly. Forgetting that there are two doors suddenly i remembered and pulled her back. Luckily, she didn't injured her hands otherwise it will stuck there for four minutes. We took the next MRT and met Patjon and Amalia at Harbourfront station. The first thing we did was to queue to buy 'Twilight' movie tickets. Then we played with water! We splashed Patjon the most and the best thing was that they can't splash a lot of water on me cause I'm the only one who didn't bring extra clothing!haha. I poured water on Patjon's hair to wash the wax away and so did the rest. Later on we walked to the other side in the water...so relaxing but there's a lot of small bits of stone hurting our legs. We walked to the toilet and they changed their clothing. We bought our lunch at Long John Silver and hid it inside our bags and went into the cinema. We had our lunch while watching 'Twilight.' It was a very thrilled experience that i ever have. 'Twilight,' was a extremely enchanting movie. My favourite part was when Edward piggyback Isabella Swan on his back and sped through the thick forest very quickly, showed how dangerous he was to her. Luckily she wasn't afraid of him, Edward showed how he will look like under sunlight and i found it very glamorous. The other part was when Isabella stood on Edward's legs and they danced. It was so romantic! Almost broke into tears in some parts but Jasmine explained the whole movie while i was watching so it was kind of expecting! Overall i enjoyed the movie a lot. Hoping to watch it again^^
After the movie ended, We went to all the bookstores at Vivo to find the 'Twilight,' series books because Patjon wanted to purchase it. Luck ran out, all the bookstores said it was SOLD OUT! Now it's harder to find the book, it's like finding a needle in a haystack. Next, we went to Singapore Post 'Popular' to search for it, same results. Later on, we took bus 76 to Parkway. Headed straight to 'Popular' but we still couldn't find it. It was ironic when most of the bookstores even placed a piece of paper at their counters and shelves to inform the customers that the 'Twilight,' series books were currently sold out. It was so over-popular until these bookstores have to take such actions. =x Walked to 'Borders', we were delighted the upon reaching. Saw a whole stack of 'Twilight' and 'New Moon' at the front table. We rushed in and Patjon took both of the books. Jasmine took 'Twilight, the movie edition' book. We paced around in the bookstore, browsing through other books. We chatted while looking through the books. We saw 'Twilight' and 'New Moon' was placed at the front, middle and side of the shop. Finally, Amalia and I found a book of our liking, 'Wuthering Heights.' It was written in 'Twilight,' Edward's and Isabella's Literature book. The synopsis of the book sounds interesting, made me so engaged upon buying it. Patjon, Amalia and I made an agreement on we will arrange one day with one another at least once a month to go to bookstores to buy new storybooks to read. Now I'm determine to pick up reading as my hobby! After we found our books, we paid for it at the cashier and went out the store. We chatted for awhile then Jasmine and i went home whereas Patjon and Amalia went to eat their dinner. Today is an AWESOME day!;D
♥seyongLabels: FRIENDS are the ones to treasure, not taken for granted.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
11:44 PM
Woke up rather late today cause i slept at five plus yesterday. Upon heading out of my door and go for Biology tuition, i double-checked the make-up sessions dates. Gracious me! i mixed up the dates, i missed the make-up session, got so confused what is the actual time for tuition so i text shiqi. Unfortunately she replied late and i couldn't make it in time for Biology tuition so i just skipped it again.
Took bus 60 to Eunos Community Centre (CC). When i arrived, i lost my way there, beeped annie to lead me in. Everything started by then. I was appointed to help out with center game stall, something that got to do with shooting the balls in the bonus holes to score as much points as possible. I worked with two people whom i don't even know. Ice age started to break and we started to communicate with one another. Found out that both of them were too from Bedok North!^^
Queues were long as the tickets were given out free door-to-door. People of different ages got enticed by my stall game so they went forward to play. Luckily mostly were cooperative! One of the moment the guest of honour (GOH) went to my stall and started to question me on how to play the game. I replied and the other two helped me to elaborate a little. Hopefully the pictures taken by the photographer were not being published!=x However during that period, there was a very young boy, kind of troublesome cause he kept taking the balls from the ball holder and shot non-stop. We tried to stopped him by we didn't managed to. With the GOH helped, he managed to handle him and others got a chance to play.
We stood for several hours entertaining the customers till our legs were aching. A half an hour break was given in the middle, immediately everyone sat on the floor until the games resume. After all the stalls were officially closed, annie, jasmine and i got privileged to get an ice-stick each. We joined the buffet dinner at the next block. Chatted with some people in-charge of Eunos Zone 3 cause they were very friendly. The food were alright and i ate till i was so full. After dinner, we walked to the bus stop and went our separate ways. Made my new contact lens at Bedok Interchange with my sister later on. So excited to wear it soon! =x
NACLI'o8 Group Photos
♥ 4:56 AM
Saturday, December 27, 2008
11:12 PM
Skipped my Physics Tuition today to attend SLC forum planning meeting. Met Tai Chin and Jasmine at Bedok Interchange at 1.15pm. I arrived late, luckily i'm punctual for the meeting. We planned a lot of things today and it's kind of progressive! great work guys!^^ I was appointed to be the chairperson and everyone of us were appointed with a role to play too. Looking forward upon working with everyone, seems exciting!
Meeting ended around 5pm. Annie, Hamidah, Wenfeng and i volunteered to help out with the door-to-door flayers distribution to the nearby blocks for an event tomorrow. It was interesting cause all of us get to learn something new. Hock Rong treated us snacks and dinner. Wenfeng and i insisted to pay him money but he ignored. Yong Kiong said that it's an rare occasion that he will treat people dinner. haha. We chatted quite a lot of things while eating. Found out something that Hock Rong and i don't like to eat some common spices! After dinner, we accompanied Annie to Eunos CC to get her stuffs. Went our separate ways. Annie and i walked all the way to Eunos Mansion bus stop. We chatted a lot of things on the way. Finally my bus arrived, went home.
Going to attend my Biology tuition then rushed down to a block near to Eunos CC to help out in an event after my tuition tomorrow. Hoping that tomorrow will be a fun and enriching experience for those who attend!^^
Friday, December 26, 2008
4:26 AM
quiz time
1) Who's the person who tagged you?
doreen and benjamin.
2) Relationship between you and her/him?
3) Three impressions of her/him?
easy-going, happy go lucky and someone fun to hang out with.
4) If she/he becomes your enemy, you will?
be heartbroken? clarify the matters with them?
5) What will you say to the person you like very much?
not sure =x
6) Characteristics i like about myself?
amiable, easy-going and believing in myself.
7) Characteristics i hate about myself?
lack of courage and confidence.
8) For the bad person you hate, what will you say?
simply nothing? cause i won't have the mood to talk to him/her anymore since our friendship severe?!
9) What do people feel about you?
not sure? you will have to question them.
10) Your crush...?
no one at the moment^^
11) Pass this to 10 persons:
1. ben
2. doreen
3. ian
4. leecheng
5. eugene
6. veronica
7. junhong
8. kalin
9. annie
10. jiamin
12) If 5 & 7 are together?
not possible!=x
13) What does 9 likes?
a brand new digital camera.
14) What colour does 6 likes?
orange! that's obvious.
15) Say something about 8.
she's my primary school bestiie.
16) Who is 2?
my buddy.
17) Talk about 3.
he's my buddy and he loves to sing a lot!
18) Who is 10's best friends?
phyllis? huixuan? xunjing? they always hang out together.
19) Who's the sexiest among all 10?
i don't know.
20) What colour does 4 likes?
dumbo! and i still owes him one =x
21) Is 4 single?
maybe yes, probably not.
22) Your relationship with 1?
we are buddy.
23) Are 5 & 6 best friends?
i think so? they chat a lot with each other.
24) 9's surname?
25) 7's nickname?
chicken head? used to i suppose.
26) Say something to 8.
hey! what nice hong kong drama series will you recommend?
27) Say something to help 9.
there's a lot of changes that can be made for the forum we are planning. (SLC)
28) Who does 1 admire?
it's a secret between us. no eavesdropping! =x
29) Where does 1 live?
jalan damai. somewhere near school.
30) 10 of them know who you like?
nopes. i don't have anyone i like now.
31) Say something to 6 when you see him/her.
hello female pilot! =D
32) 10's spouse?
i don't think so at this age?!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
11:10 PM
Hey buddies!
So sorry for not joining you guys today to watch 'Bedtime Stories!' Don't feel like going out today cause very very exhausted. Want to know the real reason? Ask me through MSN i'm sure you will be shocked! Actually the truth is that i'm too obessed to my TV today. Because my favourite tv programme got alot of continuous christmas edition episodes. opps!=x
hmmm...I heard that you guys have lots of fun without my presence too. So i guess that i won't feel so guilty after today. It's Christmas!!hahahs. Forgive and Forget is the best thing you can do during christmas and any part of your day!^^
Once again wishing everyone a joyful MERRY CHRISTMAS! Looking forward to a fruitful year ahead! This year is a memorable and enjoying year and me and the rest i suppose. Have Fun!^.=!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
11:07 PM
Celebrated CHRISTMAS EVE and phyills's Birthday today at huixuan's house. Our plan worked! We managed to fool phyllis. hahas. I met jiamin first at her house then we go to tampines mall to meet huixuan and xunjing. We walked the whole mall to find suitable presents for phyllis's birthday presents and christmas exchange presents among ourselves. We up and down and down to up repeatedly! extremely tiring but it's the process that we enjoyed! so it doesn't really matters to us. Finally i bought a fancy star necklace for phyllis from mini bits.
The moment we reached huixuan house's doorstep, huixuan went in to distract phyllis away while we tried to sneak in. It was pretty easy cause phyllis waited for us till she dozed off. We hit inside huixuan room and planned how we are going to exchange the christmas presents and how are we going to give phyllis all her birthday presents in a joyful way? An idea stroke my mind of letting her find her gifts with slogans and we placed the presents all around her house. We called huixuan for items that we need and place that are suitable to hide the presents. We pretended as huixuan's grandmother to reduce our suspicion. We coughed while laughing to make the old grandma couching's...Plans were done.
Went out of the room and shocked phyllis cause they are singing, karaoke. Songs that we were familiar, we sang like mad! it was great! next we went to huixuan room to start the christmas gifts exchanged. We have to lucky draw lots of time in order not to get someone else's gift. Then we blindfold phyllis and brought her downstairs. She was shocked when she i removed the blindfold and the rest 'pop' the poppers at her. I didn't played with the poppers basically too afraid of the sounds! gosh! =x
Walked to the convenience shop to buy some snacks and drinks, took the lift back up. Mission continued. We instructor xunjing to pass phyllis the next item which is the first clue to her present. It was a log cake we bought! next to the washing machine, cabinet, wardrobe and side desk for her presents. The process was extremely funny and enjoyable cause phyllis was very cute especially when she's clueless what's next?! We used the microphone to announce phyllis stages, closeness to her presents and clues! yeas^^
The game ended earlier than we expected so we walked to the kitchen to eat the snacks, agar-agar and log cake. huixuan's mum treat us to eat lunch! it was very very filling but yummy! watch tv and sing lots of songs after that with them especially jiamin until the three of them decided to go to arcade. huixuan and i stayed behind, i obsessed with the tv programmes, too bad! hahas. Seven plus in the evening they came back from tampines. We had our torturous dinner! it was so SPICY!! huixuan's mum cooked tom-yum noodle for us, it was handmade. She kept telling us that it wasn't as spicy cause she only put 1 scope of chili instead of 3! we were dying man!! all of us were passing the food around and the only one who enjoyed the food is xunjing! =x
I had a fun-filled day with their accompanies on Christmas Eve today, wishing everyone especially them and my fellow buddies, disciple and kor(s) a JOYFUL MERRY CHRISTMAS AHEAD! keep looking forward! especially for it! yeas^.=!
♥ seyong
Monday, December 22, 2008
11:11 PM
EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED! Came back from Student Council bonding camp. Today is a extremely excited day! We had lots and lots of fun that i couldn't even remember all!haha. Report to school at 6.50a.m today, guess what?I'm punctual!!Prepared and briefed everyone on what they will be presenting later. NACLI and HALOGEN Young Leaders' Day 2008 experiences sharing session. I was so nervous, plenty of buterflies in my stomach! I think i presented quite awful! I spoke too fast! Luckily we got Patjon to sumarise the whole Halogen Powerpoint Presentation.
The games for ice-breaking and the games with clues were rather boring. They were all repeated for the past few years, so we completed mostly all station early. My favourite was the tele-match games! it was AWESOME! new games were introduce...best of all was the game which we have to put our hands on the person standing in front of us shoulders and have to prevent other groups to snatch the rafia string from the last person. We have to protect it! Even though some got injured during the game,overall, my group won the game! yeas^^
It started to rain during the last game. Everything stopped and we proceed our way to the AVA Room. We listened to the Hainan Island Presentation talk. Breaks were given next and the formal excos started a entertainment session, 'The Noose!' They made everyone laughed to the top of our heads! Some participated when we were requested by the interviews...Learnt new dancesteps for the song 'Chori Chori' it is an Indian Dance for the Orientation Mass Dance Session! It was extremely fun cause everyone were sporting and participated actively. Therefore, we got it done kind of fast for the first few parts, to be continued tomorrow...
Too tired to share anything for now...looking forward for a thrilling day tomorrow!^.=
Friday, December 19, 2008
8:12 PM
Woke up at five plus early in the morning today and went to school to report for student council duty. Saw those secondary two'o9 selected councillors, there were much more compared to my batch. I was assigned to help class 1D together with Amirul, Jasmine, Huixuan and three other secondary two councillors. I chose to help the teachers, Mr. Ng and Mr. Aliff at the front, helping them by passing them the arranged forms. It was quite rather exciting cause i get to see all the new faces and conversations between the teachers, parent and child. haha.
After the Secondary One Registration, We packed all the chairs. Upon Packing, Mr. Said requested Taichin, Kerry, Rina and i to go down to the bookshop to help out. We were asked to guide the parents and students the place to queue and some other instructions. Got bored, so we went in to help out with the packaging of books. There were a lot of book lists, all of us were walking about taking this and that...Finally, the crowd was cleared. We went to the Care Force Room to take our belongings and went straight to the canteen to have our lunch.
Went home next to get some stuffs and changed my shoes. Took MRT to Buena Vista then bus 200 to NACLI. Walked into the Reception Centre, the receptionist helped us by calling all the trainers. Almost went out of luck cause all the trainers were clearing their leaves...Luckily we managed to contact Mr. Darren. He told us that he does not have the video and photos with him cause there were with Miss Lim Choy Leng. We were so desperate that we messaged him to help us to try finding for it. Saw him walking out the gate and waved goodbyes to us.He replied, "Will be back at 2pm after lunch."
No choice, chatted with the receptionist for a moment. Walked around the familiar campsite and took some pictures of the surrounding with Annie's phone. At two plus, Mr. Darren came to us and passed us a disc which contain the video and photos. Oh Gosh!! Thank him so much!!^^
Took MRT to Annie's house to complete our PowerPoint for this coming Monday presentation for NACLI. Walked back home around five plus, on the way back, i pondered, "How am i able to pass Pat Jon the video and pictures so that he can use those for his PowerPoint?" Saw two familiar faces on the way back, it was Patjon and Nadia! Walked towards them and chatted for awhile then passed him my portable hard disk then continue my journey home...
Can't wait till Monday to present our Powerpoint presentation and a surprise item! It was so fantastic^.=! On my way now completing the skeleton of the Young Leaders' Day Powerpoint presentation so that i can send it to Annie to edit! yeas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
6:23 PM
Finally! I'm back from Media Productions Chalet. Feeling so exhausted, came back home put down all the heavy stuffs then went out to eat 'BRUNCH' with Adrian and Vince. Talking about MP Chalet, this year it was held at ARENDA country club, it was spacious and comfortable. However, there nothing much to do in there. No plans were made beforehand so everything was done by all our mood.
Went out to buy christmas exchange presents along with Adrian and Edwin at White Sands not long after we reached the location. Ate our lunch was first on list, burger king!hahas. Edwin and i shared a new pie called 'chocolate pie,' yikes it taste so horrible! Next up, went to 'More Than Words' and 'Comics Connection' to find suitable presents. It took us two long hours to set our mind on what to buy. Walked to E-HUB to meet the rest of them and met Nicholas on the way back.
FAIRPRICE NTUC. All of us were there to buy some bbq food and other stuffs. Got bored so i took the keys from Jiayi to go back to arenda, some followed too. BBQ night was AWESOME! Even though i went down late with Shiqi and some other cause we were inside watching TV programmes, there were still plenty food left for us to bbq. In fact, we ordered too much food till we have to force ourselves to stuff food down our stomachs in the end. Satays especially!hahas. After the seniors went up, Vince, Shiqi, Adrian and I stayed behind to chat for hours. Ate desserts while chatting.
Cleared the stuffs and went up to bathe immediately. Can't stand the bbq smell!=x Movie Marathon was up next, we watched 'I'm The Legend' first followed by some other shows. After watching movies, we stayed up and chatted till we are very very exhausted and 'KO!' Few hours later i went in the room and sleep...z.z.z...Woke up in the morning, unaware of the timing cause Paul and Shangyi woke me up. Washed up and packed my stuffs then sat around started our conversations again till the room keeper came in.
hais...Last minute was informed report to school by 7a.m to do duty for Secondary One Registration. Going to NACLI with Annie tomorrow after it to collect some stuffs with the camp instructors^.=!looking forward for the day do end and meet new faces and wonder how will they be like...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
11:16 PM
Today is a total bore at the start and the end! Simply spent my day today flipping my books in the afternoon, don't really understand what it is about specially PHYSICS! 'slam!' books closed! Straight to the television screen, watched some interesting documentaries to widen my general knowledge rather than sitting down there staring at words the whole day...
Kept changing channels up and down, love to watch documentaries so much man! 'Discovery Home and Health' is always labeled top in my list, followed by 'History Channel', 'National Geographic Channel', 'Discovery Channel' and 'Animal Planet.' Used to watch drama series from Monday till Sunday all year round until dad influenced me to watch documentaries. Watching surgery are my loves. Pretty well you might be able to guess what's my ambition? RECONSTRUCTIVE PLASTIC SURGEON. Many were kept in the dark and not expose, hoping to change their lives by doing something beneficial to them in the future!^^
Watch along a show with my brothers in 'Disney Channel' one of the original movie, 'The Adventurous Journey of Food Boy.' It was so awesome. How i wished i could be like Ezra, magically makes food come out from my hands and it taste so DELICIOUS too! Best part is that it will stick with you forever! Pondering about if i really have this special ability, firstly, i will never starve to death cause food is 24/7 available for me. Secondly, i will be able to make a large quantity of yummy food and send it to countries where people are starving like mad! settle their starvation so that everyone can survive^^ Lastly, i will be able to make a lot of appetising food to feed my buddy, Doreen a.k.a DINOSAUR so that she won't "ROARrrrrr!" for food!haha
To end up my day, today got a little reprimand from my dearest god-brother. However, it's good thought of him reminding me the date we become god-siblings. Totally forgot the date. opps!=x No worries from now on cause fifth december o'8 will always be remembered the moment it started deep inside my heart. hmmm...perhaps i have to plan what to get for you on our first 'gans-monthly-versary gans-anniversary!'
Otherwise you might think i had forgotten about it.
♥ 1:54 AM
Woke up at 2pm today, ate breakfast and went straight to my tuition centre. Late for tuition for three minutes! luckily lesson have not start yet. Stood outside chatting with adrian and weijie till we were told to enter the room. weijie waited outside for our lesson to end so adrian and him will go for their A.maths lesson while i'm waiting outside.
Physics lesson. It was TERRIBLE! Although the lesson was repeated cause some did not attend for last sat lesson, it was taught by a different teacher, Mr. Ng. The way he talked made us all so confused. I hardly understand what he was trying to teach or explain. Worksheets were given out to us and we have to complete one of it on the spot.
I only managed to understand a few questions and answered it correctly. As for the rest, duh, it was totally WRONG! 12/24 questions were correct. Wanted to asked for explanations for those which i got it wrong but i can't simply ask explanations from the teacher for like twelve questions?! it would be so unfair to the rest. oh gosh! who can i seek for help?perhaps the textbook i think...mugging my textbooks tomorrow!
Anyways i was told last minute by my mum on the day before that i have to attend dinner at my aunt house at 7 pm after my tuition session. She's inviting us to her new house to have a look as well as having a mini party. I'm so sorry that i have to reject the plan that we planned yesterday after my tuition session buddies. Really can't make it to slack around with you guys at East Coast Park. Hopefully all of you have enjoyed yourself without my presence! haha =p
Friday, December 12, 2008
10:56 PM
Today i slept like a log till 12nn, got scolding from mummy for waking up late, cannot use computer too long le. hais...washed up. Started studying for my Biology and did my homeworks. Rejected to go out with doreen and my buddies. sorry cause haven completed studying. study, study and more studying till i dozed off...z.z.z...
4.59pm!oh gosh!!i'm so going to be dead =x my tuition session started at 5pm. Rushed out of my house immediately after preparing and cab there. Late for tuition session today, luckily didn't get scolded from my tutor. Biology lessons was rather interesting cause i read it up before going i dozed off. Within a few minutes, I caught up with the lessons and asked a lot of questions.haha.
Best thing for today session was that there will no be any tuition homework!so shiok!!only the sec 4s'o9 got homework cause i haven studied the topics yet so my tutor spared me. yeas^^
After my tuition session, my buddies came over from east coast beach to find me for dinner. Lost their way back...i sent shiqi off to the bus stop and went to Parkway shopping centre to walk walk while waiting. Half an hour later, miaojun beeped me, told me to meet them at mac. I walked back to somewhere near my tuition centre and ate dinner with them. Gerald came back to meet us, all thanks to doreen!haha. However, dinner ended a moment later doreen have to rush home. all went separated ways and go home.
Hoping tomorrow will come soon, Physics tuition session. Wonder who will be there? and too meet my buddies after doreen and my tuition session to go to east coast beach to play!=D
Thursday, December 11, 2008
11:56 PM
Why does time passed so slowly today?? Well cause i'm all alone at home. SO BORED! didn't do anything particularly. Simply spending my time aimlessly. Doesn't sounds like me right? gosh! perhaps i have ruined my whole week! slacking all the way till now ever since SDMA ended.
Wanted to send a email about the information for the secondary three level camp'o9 cause he lost his paper. However, my computer refused to enter that page! so infuriating!! guess that i have to try my luck and send him tomorrow when i come back from tuition session. Sorry jun hong.
Seriously...i don't know why i love to attend my tuition sessions so much!hahas...later my buddies especially my kor scold me "SIAO!" Have to start studying tomorrow for Biology to prepare myself for my Biology tuition session. Followed my meeting my buddies!^^
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
11:32 PM
Today's date will always be kept inside my heart for life,10dec2008! Met my primary six friends to go to vivo city together for our class gathering after so many years. Even though only one quarter of people attend cause mostly were not aware i will still treat it as quite a lot of people.
All of us have changed, seriously changed a lot. I almost can't even recognise kok ann especially. Oh gosh! he pierced his mouth and left ear, it doesn't even suits him! CHANGES since before: hayden in size, barry in attitude, jeanette become prettier, jasyln in attitude, size and height, xiangbei in styling become more fashionable, kalin in hairstyle, chingfang become crazier, total opposite of weifong, mabel become much more taller and stylish, however her anti-social and shy character didn't really much change for the better, miaojun still as stubborn as ever!However among all, benjamin my old best friend changed the most...so shocking!!didn't really expect that he would actually smoke and joined gang, he got the looks and height anyways. Think that he had joined the wrong school and company, no choice turning back =x remembered the days whom we chatted a lot especially during maths lessons till my grades dropped till 'E' same to him!hahahs...where has his sociable and cheerful character gone to? what's he thinking in his mind though...
Anyways, shouldn't get bother by my friends changes. We went to the outdoor space to chat at the start for awhile then we walked around and decided to watch 'WILD CHILD" quite an interesting show even though i didn't really know what is it about. kok ann, barry and hayden went MIA in the middle of our gathering. Continued on, we went to eat our lunches separately cause different people have different choices. Went to eat pastamania the food was very creamy...i can't even finished the whole plate, how i wish my 'brother' was there to help me finished up.haha! Rushed to the cinema next while xiangbei and the rest went to walk around.
The moment i reached there, ben started asking for money so that he can watch movie so were his friends. Went in after buying popcorn and drink. Throughout the movie, ben was quite a nuisance, kept asking jaslyn about a 'girl', distracting the rest of us, how inconsiderate is he! the movie was kind of GREAT? exit the cinema, jaslyn suggested to find her friend whom ben is interested in...tagged along cause we have no choice. stood outside the 'super hotdog' shop seeing ben and that 'girl' chatting, mouth full of vulgarities, yikes! so we started conversations among ourselves kinda taking about their reaction while the rest was chatting. Got bored and disgusted so i decided to go off, jeanette and mabel tagged along. SEPARATED WAYS, jeanette forgot to pass the cow coin bank to ben (the one from the cinema), turned back and return. Can't believe my eyes that he was so childish! acting like a kid having a new free toy!haha. Guess what? i saw chukun there too meeting ben and all of them too, have a short chat and went off.
End of day, this gathering was my worst gathering so far...WHAT A SCREWED!!!
First day of tuition!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
8:52 PM
Woke up today morning at 10plus, washed up and went straight to my tuition centre cause i'm going to be late. Skipped my breakfast! When i was about to reach, i remembered which building it is but forgot which level??oh gosh! I gave adrian a beep early in the morning just to ask him which level it is. Entered the tuition centre, cleverland. Saw shiqi and irina (don't know how to spell), adrian didn't managed to come cause he have his church stuffs. Sat outside the tuition around the reception area and chat a little with them.
Few minutes later, the teacher asked me to enter to room 4 together with them to have my pure biology tuition. Feeling kind of excited and nervous at first, however when the teacher pass me the worksheet, to my horror, im going to start chapter 13 for my first lesson where shiqi and irina stopped in school. wow!didn't really expect that. I thought it will be so difficult cause it's a chapter about the response of eyes if im not wrong which i don't even understand a thing. the lesson was quite interesting, saw weijie walked passed the room for his combined physics and chemistry lessons around the quarter-time of my lesson, he saw me too. Pretty well, if i'm not wrong, i think that he was late for his lesson. Jotted down a lot of notes about the chapter, so did the rest.
Rearranged of the following tuition dates was made with my tutor cause she won't be in Singapore for the next of two weeks so im going to have quite alot of tuition sessions next week. Sorry buddies and friends if i'm not being able to make it when you ask me out to walk walk...end of tuition, i thought the homework is going to be easy. Ended up, we have to memorise, draw and label the structure of eyes and the general structure of the nervous system for the body. I have to go and read up the chapter one day before doing my homeworks, good luck man! haha>.< class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">Shiqi waited outside for me whereas irina went for her pure chemistry tuition. I was told by shiqi that irina will have the tuition session together with a Japanese guy but he's so smart till he spent his whole session there doing weird stuffs like playing his PSP or playing a few boxes duel master cards all by himself. hmmm...in my class, another guy whom i was told that will be having the same session as me was not here and was named kenneth, shiqi told me that he was very problematic and irritating, haiz...luckily he didn't turned up so i have the whole session with a teacher whom i don't know her name. She taught me the whole of first chapter for physics, starting i thought it was difficult too but later on i realise that it was so simple. The whole session ended so fast and the best part was there is not going to have any homework for physics...so shiook!hehe
Went to eat lunch with shiqi and her mum later on at bedok interchange. Lemon chicke rice with sugar cane drink. I ate till i was so full and went home next to watch TV!haha. Dozed off in the middle of the documentary without realising and woke up at eight plus to use com. Download PSP and NDS games for my brothers to play when they go genting tomorrow.
For the next few days, i will be alone at home with my parents and maid. Sad to say so...cause i will be so damn bored!however the bright side is there will be peace at home. No noise pollutions from my dearest brothers and no one snatching computer and television from me. yeas^^
Saturday, December 6, 2008
1:10 PM
Out from house in the afternoon yesterday for a meeting regarding my CCA chalet cum christmas party planning. Leave in the middle of discussion, to get something from my god-bro, tai chin at his workplace. Later on, i went to techview to have dinner with my buddies.
Even though we just spent out time there chatting, listening to songs, play ian's phone games and watch TV and forgot to eat our dinner, the time where i spent with you guys was awesome! pretty well, i hope that all of you will have the same thoughts pondering in your minds too.
Many sweet things happened too quickly on the same day... Firstly, i have a new elder god-brother, Gerald. Don't know why he asked me to be his sister, got approval from miaojun his god-sister too so she won't be upset in any case, i suppose. Anyways glad to have him too, he tends to tease and joke around quite a lot so i won't get bored easily perhaps?
Next up, i did somehow tease two of my buddies, hahas. Kind of fun, but since they don't really get used to it i shall respect them and tease to some limit...sorry didn't mean to do until so extreme. Anyways we are still forever buddies right? I will still treat everyone equally, no exception! =x
Currently doing some research on what my future is going to be like. Searching for suitable courses which i'm interested in...only my buddies know what my ambition is and hope that they will keep it low. Found my dream colleague but kind of hard to enter. However, no matter what i will still try my very best to enter that school^.=!!all the best to my buddies too!even though in few years time we will be separated, our friendship will still be ever-lasting, hope that all of you will be able to go to your dream school and accomplish your ambition! special attention to IAN especially! going to poly next year already, don't be so naive le, be more mature alright?hahas
Best thing is that i'm going to start tuition lessons tomorrow. Pure Physics and Biology! going to take the same classes with Adrian. Even though i may not be able to bump into wei jie often, but we are still in the same tuition centre alright? still need a lot of help from you as you recommended me to take tuition there.
KOR: cheer up alright? take it easy...need any help or someone to chat with can feel free to call me, my ears are 24/7 open^.=!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
11:50 PM
got tagged by DINOSAURrrr! had no choice but to complete it...
1. What have you been doing recently?- looking through my textbooks and read through them?
2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off ?- nopes, hoping to get calls from people whom i wish to talk to.
3. What happened at 10am today ?- i'm still sleeping like a dead log
4. When did you last cry ?- not suppose to be spoken =x
5. Believe in fate/destiny ?- somehow? i suppose...
6. What do you want in your life now ?- not sure, quite alot of things? but most importantly to have a everlast FRIENDSHIP with my buddies and friends ^.=!
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood ?- not really, always the one whose scatterbrain?hahas
8. What's your favourite thing to do on the bed ?- reflect on things?
9. What bottoms are you wearing now ?- purple tee + black shorts
10. What's the nicest things in your inbox ?- blank! phone spoilt...yikes!
11. Do you tend to make your relationship complicated ?- don't think so, i'm single.hehe
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone ?` - nopes
13. What was the last movie you caught ?- high school musical 3
14. What are you proud of ?- simply nothing?
15. What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say ?- contacts of my friends from pat jon
16. What was the last song you sang out loud ?- not sure, not good in singing songs.
17. Do you have any nicknames ?- errm...one i suppose? unless there's some said behind my back!
18. What does the newest text say ?- didn't receive any, phone spoilt!
19. What time did you go to bed last night ?- 2.30 a.m
20. Are you currently happy ?- yeas, of course i'm happy!hahahs^^
21. Who gives you the best advise ?- my buddies and entertainer
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can ?- i hate whip cream!eeew...
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night ?- my entertainer.
24. Is something bugging you now?- not sure?
25. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Doreen, Miaojun, Benjamin and Gerald (msn conference!)
boredom that kills...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
11:25 PM
Stayed at home alone the whole day, did nothing much, chat with friends, listen to new English songs and watch television programme. Somehow got pestered by some friends regarding on some issues. TOP SECRET, no leakings have to keep it low ya'll so don't bother asking be and better not interfere.
Tomorrow have to call my whole CCA ragarding on my CCA upcoming chalet, hais...why everytime im the one who have to call. Speaking of fourty plus members in my CCA no kidding calling up one by one whether they will be joining. Oh gosh! have a good time tommorow then can proceed with my plans.
Currently, trying very hard to learn my new songs lyrics. Have some difficulty on memorising their lyrics especially. However, i will do my best to do so then i will not envy my friends so much cause sooner or later i will be like them!hahahs =x
GREEN and BLACK: im not angry with any of you le, relax!okay? be rest assured that nothing will be leaked out from my mouth alright?Trying my best to keep it low and get them distracted and lose focus...muhahas^.=! and thanks for the encouragement especially!
daddy birthday^.=
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
11:53 PM
Today dad's birthday almost forgot until my disciple reminded me that his birthday was yesterday. gosh!what to do? came back trying to make up for him, ended up got scolding from him for some small matters...no mood spending birthday for him already. Hopefully till his birthday present is ready then i shall apologise for my wrong doings and give him his special birthday present. Can't wait to see his thrill face expression. I felt so guilty upon forgetting both my parents birth dates cause i spent too much time with my buddies and friends i suppose.
Went to Miao Jun's house today to slack along with doreen only. Nothing better else to do at home i guess...unfortunately, i found out something with some people hid behind my back! didn't really expect they will do that, like what are buddies for? not sharing secrets and thoughts with each other. I don't really like that kind of feeling seriously, treated like a side dish i suppose. Anyways i don't want to blame them on anything as i too have some faults. No mood to talk now, sorry...
Lee Cheng (disciple): so sorry, really forgot about your birthday...anyways wishing you a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! get present from me when the next 2C'o8 gathering comes. alright? really sorry^.=!
♥ 2:02 AM
here are some pictures we took during the chalet...