Preparations for E4 Cluster P6 transition to Secondary 1
Friday, October 31, 2008
10:06 PM
hey people!
Well, today i had quite a smooth day as i am able to attend my one and only full bridging lesson. kind of hate it when the ex-cos informed us at the eleventh clock that we need to be excused from our bridging lessons to attend councillor stuffs. I can't just possibly blame on them too, cause it was not their fault too. so it's confirmed that i will be missing some of the lessons or probably all the bridging lessons for next week. hmmm....pretty sad ya'll.
Today, some of the selected councillors went to Damai Primary School to do a power point presentation related on "preparation for primary six students transition to secondary school life" of the selected primary schools. the moment we reached the IMAC Room, we mentioned to play some ice-breaking games to know each other better with St. Anthony's Canossian Secondary School (SACSS) student leader-in-training, they agreed so we carried on. we played games like "BANG!", "SPLAT" and "Big Fish, Small Fish." later on, we continue to complete the power point slides and did a run through of power point presentation on the 'smart board' using a mic. When it was my turn to present, i was a little tongue-tied. therefore, i need more practice on my presentation skills and need to be more calmed. The power point will be carried out on this coming Monday, 3 November, 8am to 9.30am at Changkat Primary School. We will be presenting to all the classes in the hall stage..oh GOSH! followed by going class to class to answer questions of the students...hope that 'DOOM DAY' will not arrive soon. ALL THE BEST TO EVERYONE!!^^
Last Session for E4 Cluster
Thursday, October 30, 2008
11:46 PM
During today's Geography lesson, mrs fong covered the chapters that mrs chan did not complete for secondary two syllabus. She engaged us in learning those chapters very quickly by showing us many recent or past newspaper articles that relate to the topics and told us many interesting stories relating to it. One thing i realised about her was that she is a very knowledgeable teacher who knows a lot of general knowledge. I knew this because whenever she tell us stories she will not even feel stress but ease. We enjoyed her lesson so much until when her lesson time was up, none of us don't even want to inform her. hehe...
E4 cluster today was rather stressful. For the first few hours of the session, all of us were practising very hard on the dance steps. We even choreographed some of our own dance steps cause the duration for the dancing was too short. We had discussions on ideas to improve our dancing and new dance steps. Anna was the one who lead the eleven of us, she is a very attractive leader whom engaged her team mates to follow her ways and ideas due to her easy going and lively character. When the clock stroked 11am, we were informed by our trainees that we have to get ready to go down to the concourse. All of us took one or two flowerpots that we painted yesterday then proceed downstairs. When we reached the home for the aged, we went in straight to the meeting room to wait for the others who have not arrived. GaoXiang and Clarice were informed that they will be the MC because they were good in speech making. While waiting, the rest of us separated ourselves into three groups. One practising singing the songs, one practising the dance steps and another group sitting down at the sofa enjoying the "performance" put out by us. I was practising the dance steps repeatedly with hamidah, annie and zhenan.
When the rest arrived, one of the staff brief us on what this home for the aged was about and introduced us around on the facilities they have. Followed by leading us to the canteen where all the elderly were gathered. We were asked to be in group of two or threes to approach to different tables to sit and chat with the elderly. I partnered hamidah and kerry, we approached a table where an Indian elderly sat. We began introducing ourselves first, then we started some simple conversation with her. We were stunned when the woman started to cry as tears were going to roll down her eyes. We were clueless on how we can stop her from crying, so all we did was to keep smiling at her then we proceed to another table after saying goodbye to her. We went to another table to chat with some male elderly, they were rather cheerful and interactive as they started introducing themselves before we could do so. Next, games and performances were carried out. We began to ask the elderly whether they want to join the game and helped them forward to the stage to play the games. Later on, the singing team sang their songs, "you are my sunshine" and "lao shu ai da mi." The final performance was carried out by the dance team. Even though there were some mistakes made during the performance, messed up during the games and the singing did not really engaged the elderly as they were eating their lunch, it seems like the elderly really enjoyed our accompany. Finally, we waved them goodbye with smiles on our faces and they waved back to us.
When we returned to school, we headed straight to the canteen to have our lunch. After lunch, we went up to the AVA Room again to do our evaluation. During that period, Mahdhir and i started to get everyone email addresses and contacts on a piece of paper. We promised to email them all the email addresses to them. We ended off the session by taking a formal and fun photo with everyone who attended the course. Overall, I think that all of us have grown and understand the deeper meaning of leadership. We managed to understand ourselves better through the activities, theory session and games session. After all, i really enjoyed this workshop as it benefited everyone. Right? hahas(:
E4 Cluster session 2
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
10:42 PM
Before today's second day for E4 Cluster student councillors workshop, i attended bridging lessons from 8am-9.30am. The first two periods were English lesson, it was taught by mdm sultanah. i think that she is going to motivate all of us to study English Language with eagerness and help us to improve it from my first impression of her. She kept prompting us to ask her questions when we have any enquires. Whereas for the third period which was Physics, miss fa'izah confirmed with the whole class that she will be our Physics teacher for next year too. She is a teacher who inspires her students to enjoy learning Physics in a fun way. however, she may be kind of sarcastic to us in certain times..
During the first part of E4 Cluster, all of us learnt dance steps of the chorus song "All for One" by HHM2. It was taught by one of the trainee, Miss Audrey. She choreographed simple dance steps for us to learn easier. Therefore, all of us enjoyed ourselves through dancing. followed by games session whereby all of learnt trust, teamwork, coordination and always stay focus. we must always trust our team mates by not criticising them but to use their strengths to overcome our common goal or vision. next, we had some theory lessons where we learnt the new definition of "new SINGAPOREAN" to become a better leader to lead in the future. later on, we did some flowerpots painting with poster paint for the elderly at the school canteen. all of us painted our flowerpots with lot and lots of laughter and we kept walking or asking around to get inspired. finally, we ended of the session by dividing all of us into dancing group and singing group for the performance at elderly home tomorrow. I was in the dancing group so i practised the dance steps that we learnt earlier on, along with the music with all my new friends (:
After the workshop, i went to doreen's house where some of my friends were waiting for me to join them. When i arrived, i was harassed by doreen's dog, Dino. all i did was to run about her house and kept screaming around. luckily, someone came and help me to stop dino from chasing me around..phew! we carried on by watching horror movies, STAY ALIVE and JUON. i was scared to stiff, i grabbed tightly to a pillow and miaojun's arm whenever there was something scary or unpleasant going to happened. veron and i also kept screaming with our 'high pitch voice' loudly that freaked the rest i suppose. at one moment, ben freaked veron out as he grabbed veron's legs out of the blue when we were watching JUON and that was when we started our sort of 'catching and PILLOW FIGHT!'hahas^^
ending off returning to our HOME SWEET HOME...
" CHAMPIONS are NOT those who NEVER FAIL, but those who NEVER GIVE UP!!"
celebrating junhong and ngeehung birthdays @VIVO CITY^^
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
8:07 PM
hey people!
Thanks for joining the class birthday celebration even though it is a very very last minute plan by me.appreciated ya'll. yesterday i was late again due to chalet booking for our class chalet. i met Ngeehung,Junhong,Doreen,Eugene,Benjamin,Jianyu,Miaojun,Minghui,Weijie,Syazwan,Farah and Firah straight at vivo city mrt outside at 2.30pm. when i arrived, we were all clueless what to do next. All we did was to walk around vivo city and we decided to catch a movie. However Syazwan,Firah and Farah were MIA from the start.
After half and hour, we all agreed to watch MAX PAYNE. none of us were aware what the movie was about so we decided to just wait and see..the sound effects of the gun shots were amazing! they were so LOUD that all of us covered our ears. all of us sat very comfortably as if we were all at our home..there were also some tense and scary parts which makes our hair stands and grabbed our buddies. the cinema is so cold that i borrowed jianyu's jacket to wear. Moreover, overall, the movie was alright and kind of interesting.
Next, we went to the top level, the outdoor place where we can play with water. we left all our belongings at one corner with jianyu sitting down there playing ben's PSP. at first, Junhong,Ngeehung,Eugene,Weijie,Minghui and started i to play with the water. then we managed to force doreen,ben and miaojun to join the fun. We sprayed each other with waters and ran about the water areas to chase one another. while we were having fun, the boys played even rougher by pushing each other repeatedly down into the water.
After a few hours, we sat in a straight row on the side and rest for awhile, we chatted merrily. at that moment, the boys then realised that they were all injured, some of them were even cut and bled. So we decided to go to the nearby toilet and changed into our new clothing. few minutes later, we were all dressed into our CLASS T-SHIRTS. we walked to harbour front mac, miaojun,minghui and i ordered food for all of them. After we ordered, we were so confused who paid and who did not pay for their food that we cancelled all the orders and started order one by one. minghui used her ez-link card to pay for some meals and the rest were paid in cash. after we finished our dinner, all of us went home together.
things are so different now..I MISSED YOU GUYS ALOT!!
During today E4 cluster workshop, AHS and CCH(main) student councillors went to our school for the workshop. I met alot of new friends from various schools. They are all so cheerful and sociable. We did many of activities such as playing team bonding games,discussions and learning from power point slides. I enjoyed myself for both today and yesterday wholeheartedly.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
9:30 PM

Today i met huixuan,jiamin and xunjing at Tampines MRT to go to escape together. I'm LATE again..hehe. We took bus 21 to downtown east, the sky was pretty overcast with a big patch of dark clouds and we kept on praying that it wouldn't rain. Then, we went to the Coasta Sands Resort Management Office and checked whether i can book my class chalet. Unfortunately, i did not manage to book my class chalet because my mummy was not there to have authority to book for me. Therefore, we carried on our way to escape.
When we were at the entrance buying the tickets, the staff told us that it isn't a good weather to enter to play. Jiamin insisted to enter so we decided to have a little bet with today's weather and bought the tickets. Luckily, not long later the dark clouds vanished. We were able to play almost everything except for the viking ship, rainbow and haunted house as they were under maintainance. The first thing we played was the mini roller coaster to warm up. After we played, Jiamin and Xunjing wanted to play the INVERTOR, huixuan and i was scared and did not join them. We went to play the floppers. It was kind of fun and not scary at all.
While huixuan and xunjing were queuing to play the go-kart, jiamin and i went to queue to play the WET and WILD. I did not get very wet as i sat at the front and jiamin were fully DRENCHED. Later on, we had our light lunch at burger king and carried on playing floppers and invertor. When we were sitting invertor, i was so nervous at first, when the ride started i was so so scared that i screamed very loudly..hehe. Perhaps xunjing and jiamin ears turned a little deaf all thanks to me(:
Next, we went to play the wet and wild. i sat together with xunjing with him sitting at the front and i sat at the back. jiamin sat in another boat with huixuan. I chatted with xunjing along the way to the SPLASH! hahas..even though he was a little nuisance during the ride, he almost covered my mouth with his hands during the part where the boat was sliding down at the moment i SCREAMED!hehe^^
After the ride, all of us compared who was the wettest and the winner was ME. I was totally drenched from top to bottom. We continued to play the water boat ride which have the water to shoot out from the button to get even more drenched. xunjing was the worst among all, he sprayed directly to huixuan's hair, jiamin's ears and my eyes. This made us hardly to attack him. Therefore he was the least wet among all of us. After changing, we continued to play a few more rides and leave escape to eat our dinners. followed by going back our home sweet home.
Can't wait till tomorrow for my class gathering at VIVO to celebrate JUNHONG and NGEE HUNG BIRTHDAYS!(: wishing them a happy happy birthday for them this year..wish them LUCK!^^
pictures taken with 2C!(:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
11:54 PM

Racial Harmony talk at Eunos Community Centre
♥ 10:45 PM
Today im met my friends, jiamin and huixuan at jiamin's house to go to Eunos Community Centre today for a SLC Racial Harmony Talk. As usual, im always late. I arrived there 10 minutes late. I got a little scolding from jiamin on the way there.
When we reached Eunos Community Centre, i saw Amirul first followed by the rest. We were asked by Miss Haida to go up to the Reception Room a few minutes later. While we were waiting outside, i chatted with some of the SLC members. Weisheng mentioned about my class video which Mr Scot Ng shared with him. He praised that it was done marvellously. I was jubilant upon hearing that, didn't realised that other of our teachers whom have taught us will share with others our class video.
One hour later, we went into the auditorium. It was filled mostly with eldery and students. The talk by the chairman and all those special guests were king of boring and so unprepared. Therefore it doesn't really interested us and we mostly commenting about the talk or started our own short conversations. Whereas, the funniest part was that most of the audience where not even paying attention to the talk. Everything was spoken in English and those elderly who do not understand English started their own conversations with each other loudly. I felt like sleeping during the talk and performances, keep leaning on jiamin shoulder. hehe(:
During the quiz, Weisheng,Aini,Weihao,Ester,Suhailee and some others joined. all of us cheered loudly for them and even cheat by telling them the answers to those questions in many funny ways. even tough those questions were all MCQs. they were asked to stand on the mini stage in a straight row and showed their answers with the papers with the letter. pretty well, I supposed we had much fun during that period as laughters and shoutings filled the auditorium. I REALLY REALLY ENJOYED MYSELF^^
After eating dinner with jiamin and huixuan at macdonald, we went straight home.
LAST DAY together with 2C!
Friday, October 24, 2008
7:53 PM
Hey fellow 2C classmates!
thanks for being in the same class as me for two years..i really really appreciate it alot!^^
Yesterday doreen,veron,ben and i planned a surprise for our classmates and teachers.we showcased our class video which we did it behind everyone backs for quite a long time, it turnout a SHOCKING SURPRISE for everyone!hehe..i did the inviting of teachers through sms and managed to invite Mr.Chua, Mrs Chan and Miss Nurul to join the celebration.thanks for coming ya'll..hopefully everyone enjoyed the video sincerely.
Next,our teachers too had a surprise for the whole class.they ordered PIZZAs for the whole class,five to each box.While eating,our teachers,Miss Nurul and Mrs Chan helped us to take down all the classroom decorations.hehe simply LAZY,eat and more EATING.most of our classmates were touched and CRIED..mostly the muslim girls..hush ya'll dont be too sad that our 2C life ended so quickly.veron,doreen and i almost cried too but we managed to hold back our tears.phew!hahas.
After that,Miss Nurul said a speech of her thoughts about the class.she cried.we were so touched by the speech and most of us cried.Mrs Chan also said a impromtu speech,she praised all of us for the UNITY that 2C had.we were so elated upon hearing that.She also helped Mr. Chua to said his thoughts of 2C because he had to leave early.He said that he didnt realised that 2C is such a LOVEABLE CLASS and regretted of not teaching our class earlier.but it's NEVER TOO LATE TO KNOW.for the rest of the teachers who didn't managed to join the celebration,it's alright to us.I sincerely thanked all the teachers who had taught me throughout my secondary two years as i was labeled as the most IQUISITIVE STUDENT in class,i simply love to ask alot of WHYs.don't know why ALL my classmates,even though we were not in the same class next year,remember to KEEP IN TOUCH with each and everyone of us alright? to my BUDDIES doreen,veron and benjamin even though we were not all in the same class next year, i still wish to continue our study group and hope to study together everyday with all of you next year after school.will it be possible?
In brief,i really really ENJOYED myself yesterday!whoots to 2C forever!!^^UNITY rocks all of us from top to bottom.anyways the sms-ings of our classmates who were not coming to school really paid of as they turned up in the end.I also have a good news to my classmates and teachers of 2C that you will be receiving the class video and pictures disc from doreen,veronica,ben and me as soon as possible in the holidays.KEEP MOVING FORWARD ya'll!